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Everything posted by GeneticBlueprint

  1. "First order of business: I would like to discuss Trump's ban from the platform."
  2. Moms for Liberty cry when ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill gets turned against heterosexual parents WWW.DAILYKOS.COM The American conservative “advocates for parental rights in schools” known as Moms for Liberty have been busy working on making sure your children are protected from things like critical race theory (CRT), and any talk about gender identities (and... Posting for the comedic effect. I don't really know much about this blog though I've heard its name.
  3. Cool but also sad that previously it was so bad that even this freedom-hating court overturned it.
  4. This is the appropriate reaction because Keyser's always the one putting their most mediocre of albums in his top 10s.
  5. No doubt the politics there are getting gross like the drinking water. But it's pretty and our man @SaysWho? lives there. Plenty to like still.
  6. Amen. "Oh great I can't go read any of my favorite news/blogs because it's all full of unfunny bullshit today."
  7. I am like five years behind where I could be in my career because I learned this too late.
  8. I grew up right by that naval base. Would be interesting to observe that process.
  9. Dude, yes. Regarding your spoiler marked stuff that I didn't read until now: I wrote something in my first draft along the lines of it's weird and dumb how the first episode has a handful of character moments that are supposed to feel like reveals... But the very nature of it being the first episode makes that impossible and feel forced. So dumb. The boards took a crap when I tried to post and I lost everything I wrote before posting what I did. But that was part of it.
  10. Side note: I get the commercials-subsidized version of Paramount+ free through T-Mobile. If I were paying anything above a cent for that version I would be livid. The frequency and quantity of commercials are just outrageous.
  11. I was finally able to watch this last night. Unfortunately all my other comments in this thread are spot on. This shit sucks, yo. It's not even the pointless alternate universe. It's everything else. The production value just isn't there. The acting isn't there. The effects aren't there. It feels very much like a weekday CBS serial with a Halo-adjecent paint job. Can't wait for episode 2.
  12. This will probably come across as kicking him while he's down or being insensitive so I apologize, but I've felt like he's been phoning it in for the past ten or so years so seeing this news makes everything make sense. Very sad news and he will always be a legend in Hollywood.
  13. From slum dog to slum lord. I'm moving up in the world.
  14. I'm planning on my profit margins being quite narrow while I rent it out and make improvements so I'm thinking of just handling it myself for now. What insights do you have into these kinds of situations?
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