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Everything posted by GeneticBlueprint

  1. Yeah there’s quite a few active leagues thanks to all the infrastructure they built for the 2002 Olympics
  2. Yeah. My boys will not be doing football. I'm pushing them towards baseball and soccer, but they can decide what they want to play. Except for football. Hard no on that.
  3. The Wheel of Time Confirmed for Third Season WWW.CBR.COM Prime Video's epic fantasy series The Wheel of Time, which is currently filming its second season, has received an early renewal for a third. Amazon seems pretty confident in this series.
  4. My second and third were born on June 2nd and June 7th two years apart.
  5. It's crazy that when he started his governorship he was actually governing like he needed to build coalitions. Like a purple state governor. But they redrew district lines that heavily favored the GOP for the state legislature and now he doesn't need to do that and governs like a chud.
  6. They’re all over the west. It sucks. I’ve never been to an in-n-out burger where I was in and out in a reasonable amount of time. Always crowded. Nowhere to sit. Drive through line a mile long. And the food just isn’t worth the price you pay in time. It’s appeal is that it’s cheap but it also tastes cheap. Which is fine I guess. But again my main complaint is the crowdedness. I will say they have the absolute worst fast food fries bar none.
  7. I’m surprised he went with “I’m fucking pissed off” instead of shit eating grin to sell on his website.
  8. No upper body strength to speak of, unfortunately. But I was a pretty good first baseman in baseball.
  9. I consider my height “too tall” since I have to duck under trees hanging over the sidewalk and bump my head with annoying frequency on things hanging too low.
  10. I’m 6’6” and 220. No way is Trump lighter than me while carrying that much dough around his waist.
  11. Everybody in the US lives within walking distance of one. They’re completely over saturated in the market and their franchisees hate them for it.
  12. I'm two of those things. I'll let you guess which.
  13. People who have overcome that desire definitely make social media posts drawing attention to that fact.
  14. There is only one semi decent energy drink. The rest are watered down motor coolant mixed with carbonated piss.
  15. Idk I feel like, with Twitter at least, he's followed through on all his terrible ideas: firing most of the company, not paying bills, subscriptions for checkmarks, changing the name to X, etc etc
  16. Exactly. If you asked me who I trusted more--my wwg1wga cousin or Joe Biden--I'd have to say Joe Biden. So I can see that shoe being on the other foot even though that's dumb as hell.
  17. Yeah I hear that. I've never had the desire to drink, so when I left those beliefs behind all those years ago I still never drank.
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