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Everything posted by GeneticBlueprint

  1. So what's the date that he was potentially infected? Was it before or after being in-person with Joe Biden?
  2. "I'm not racist but I don't want [every euphemism for minorities] in my neighborhood." You can tell how much of a privileged ignoramous she is by how she thinks her wanting a yacht and not being able to afford it is equivalent to a single mother wanting her kids to grow up in a normal neighborhood.
  3. They should take it a step further and not even have these guys in the same room. It should be done digitally. Ask a question, camera and mic goes to the room of candidate being asked the question. Then it moves to the other for rebuttal. Rinse/repeat.
  4. Candidates microphones could be cut off if they interrupt during the next debate Debates commission plans to cut off mics if Trump or Biden break rules WWW.CBSNEWS.COM The announcement from the Commission on Presidential Debates comes after the first debate between President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden spiraled into chaos.
  5. Yeah it did. It really brought the world to life IMO. You could really feel the depth of field in every scene and shot in that movie. They definitely storyboarded it with 3D in mind like no other 3D movie did.
  6. Gen. McChrystal endorses Joe Biden for president WWW.MSNBC.COM Retired General Stanley McChrystal formally endorses Joe Biden for president on Thursday, October 1, 2020. When you like the guy you were fired for criticizing more than the current guy.
  7. Is that a secret though? I feel like that's Campaigning 101. Which is why Clinton's failure to do so is still making us scratch our heads four years later.
  8. Yeah that's really the thing. Why are you working for free my man? You clearly have some experience so get paid, son. MS has money.
  9. I don't know where else to put this but I had to share a story about the horrors of socialized medicine. A very sick woman needs a surgery. She gets one scheduled. In order to have the surgery she needs a blood test. And a Covid test. To prep for the surgery she has to drink a solution that will clean out her insides. She is only allowed to drink that solution for two days prior to surgery. She gets the blood test a week prior. She gets the covid test on the indicated date. She drinks the solution on the indicated days, then the day before the surgery she is called saying the surgery is cancelled because her bloodwork showed a low white cell count. Why this info wasn't given to her before we'll never know. Probably some form of inefficient big government bureaucracy. They reschedule the surgery and accompanying bloodwork and gut-cleaning solution. The bloodwork is done, the unpleasant Covid test is repeated, the unpleasant solution is consumed, the after effects are felt. The surgery day is upon her. A matter of hours at this point. She receives a call saying her bloodwork showed a low white cell count and now she can't have the surgery. Why they waited again until this moment to tell her we'll never know. Probably some form of inefficient big government bureaucracy. The surgery is rescheduled yet again. The blood work is done. The covid test is repeated. The solution is consumed. No call cancelling the surgery. She goes to the hospital. The surgery does not start on time. She sits in the waiting room. An hour after it is scheduled to start she receives a call. "Your surgery isn't going to happen today again because of your white cell count." Why they waited until this moment to let her know we'll probably never find out. Probably some form of inefficient big government bureaucracy. Oh wait. That's not a socialized system. That's our private system. And that woman is my MIL. To be clear, I'm not upset about the surgery not going through. They should absolutely do it when it's safe. I'm just upset that it's always taking until after the last second to let us know. They can't let her know before she drinks the diahrreah inducer? They can't let her know before we rearrange our schedules and workout babysitting so my wife can take her and I can work? Minor annoyance: she doesn't have insurance and she's not yet old enough for Medicare. She is at high risk so she can't be working. So I'm paying for the blood tests and medicines each time this shit is rescheduled.
  10. I really don't believe the vast majority of people that say they're undecided at this point. They're just waiting to see if Trump does something bad enough to make them not vote for him. And the fact that nothing from the past 5 years that he's done has reached that level shows that nothing ever will.
  11. Nah I mean I don't want to have to purchase the game three times to play it in three different environments.
  12. I wish there were a Disney Movies Anywhere type service for games. I want this on PC but I'd love to play it on the go with Switch as well. Then sometimes on the XboxSex when I want it on a nice big TV.
  13. Jake Tapper on CNN "that was a disaster inside a dumpster fire inside a train wreck."
  14. As cheesy as it is I think Biden's looking into the camera and talking directly to voters is effective.
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