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Everything posted by GeneticBlueprint

  1. Anti Hollywood but extremely pro consumer. This will be a fun tightrope walk to watch. I wonder which side they'll fall of or if they'll make it to the other side.
  2. My wife grew up in a third world country without a TV and she loves Seinfeld and rewatches it constantly. You don't need to have any larger cultural or sitcom context for that show to be funny simply because all of the characters are brilliant and the writing is top notch. She also fucking hates Friends. Probably why we get along so well.
  3. I think that 50 min is for ROTK. Even with creds Fellowship tops out at an additional 38 minutes.
  4. @SimpleG I stand corrected. Thanks. Though it does make me wonder the difference in quality between the theatrical and extended versions then since the theatrical fit on one disc and you're only adding an additional ~30 min on Fellowship for example.
  5. Yeah that's the case on dvd. A 4k blu ray disc holds 100 GB and the files on these discs combined don't approach that.
  6. Just popped it in to watch the beginning sequence of Fellowship. These look incredible. Moreso than any other movie I've seen on 4k from the 2000s era. Just incredible.
  7. They're still separating each movie out to two fucking discs good christ that is irritating. Understandable on DVD. Not on Blu ray.
  8. Also if for some reason I win the vinyl I'll send it to you if you want it.
  9. I don't know if you can see that since you don't have a Spotify account but that's my dream setlist making a few adjustments to bring in some of the newer stuff and not make them hate my submission.
  10. Most good art doesn't beat you over the head with the message and is more subtle. So if people can't catch subtext and are too dense for subtlety I don't think that's on the artist. Wall Street is a great movie even if one of the main characters is a horrible person that assholes idolize.
  11. I'm not sure what you're confused about. The fact that he's on the list or who he even is?
  12. The 'You're missing the point by idolizing them' starter pack. Featuring Gordon Gecko, Rick Sanchez, and Tyler Durden.
  13. How does a state with like 12 people have that many counties? I'd bet that only a few aren't heavily subsidized by the state.
  14. That's still about 35k too much. Fuckin' Apple tax is ridiculous. Also what she is doing could be done on a $300 laptop.
  15. Also, pizza. It's like Godwin's law but with Mussolini instead of Hitler. The longer a thread goes on, the more likely pizza is to come up.
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