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Everything posted by Chairslinger

  1. Apparently the American SCOTUS already weighed in and ruled 5-4 in this guy's favor even though no one asked them to and he hasn't had a trial yet....
  2. And it turned out to be a septuagenarian game show host There was a time when Cruz and Rubio were also seen as the youthful future of the party, as well. Whatever you think of these boring white coat racks personally, it IS funny to watch the GOP repeatedly feed what they think is their future leadership to Trump because.....well hell, who even knows why because anymore. He's basically lost them every election since '16. His underperformance in '22 itself is why McCarthy's whole Speakership has an asterisk next to it like a Barry Bonds batting record right up to and including getting ousted by Captain Helmet Hair. I guess because it's easier to win a Republican primary by being a bobblehead.
  3. Boy, Trump's combover is really starting to lose structural integrity. His hair is like.... I am pretty sure you can see his fucking cranial liverspots through it at this point....
  4. Whenever Scalise takes another step on the GOP leadership ladder I like to post this link about the time Scalise refered to himself as "David Duke without the baggage". A quote itself that gained prominence in 2015 when it was uncovered that Scalise had given a speech at a white supremacist/neo-nazi summit in 2002.
  5. Imagine what the party looks like if Trump loses in '24. It is hard to conceptualize what a 21st century political party Whig-ifying itself would look like....but so much of it's bullshit is catching up with the party all at once... Trump's weird appeal basically put a decade's long pause on a realignment the party knew they needed even in '12.
  6. There are times when the argument that the GOP will "just replace them with someone worse" is valid. But honestly, McCarthy is already their puppet. Let them make Gaetz, Boebert, or Green Speaker so that the public has no choice but to see the stark contrast between parties. That reality check hasn't worked out too well for them with Dobbs.
  7. One of the most obvious legal penalties for a crime to me is that anyone participating in dog fighting rings is that they should be chucked into said ring. Call it the Ramsey Bolton precedent.
  8. When I see a woman who has clearly had so much work done that she has a perpetual selfie duck face I know my first impression is, "Must be a highly accomplished legal mind".
  9. That guy looks like Men's Rights activists recast Fresh Prince of Bel Air to be an all white show and that's who they got to play Uncle Phil.
  10. I want low rez, Jan. 6th style footage of McConnell yonking Feinstein in front of him as Death pointed out his boney finger to finally take him.
  11. Everytime I hear that fucking name I can't help but hear it as Cheese Bro. Like the Trump administration had this weird assortment of lackeys and hangers on like the Pillow Guy and Big Dick Toilet Guy that Trump made Attorney General. And this guy's name always makes me think.... it's the Cheese Bro...a tech billionaire bro who chest bumps everyone he meets who made his fortune in Gouda or something....
  12. I hear that her dying words were, "At least Biden didn't get to replace me on the court". Her aids didn't have the heart to explain she wasn't Ruth Bader Ginsberg .....
  13. Have we stooped to the level yet in the festivities where a GOP congressman presents a 15 minute soliloquy on that one time Joe Biden kinda stumbled walking down steps and that's why he needs to be impeached?
  14. Decades of corruption uncovered at SCOTUS? Sorry, nothing can be done. Tall guy wears a hoodie?
  15. So much of the work of the Executive Branch is performed through appointments to Executive agencies. So much so that one could easily argue that choosing good appointments is 30 or 40% of doing the job well. In which case, Mr. Hires Only The Best People has proven himself unqualified for the job based solely on the fact that three quarters of those he appointed were either fired in disgrace, resigned in protest, have been criminaly indicted or convicted, and/or are currently embroiled in Twitter fueds with Trump to this day. Imagine a hiring manager at an office complaining every day that nothing gets done because everyone working there is incompetent. Sooner or later, someone's probably going to start asking who is hiring all the dinguses.
  16. I almost made a thread about this, but at this point we almost need a general thread on the death knells of the golden age of streaming. At this point it seems like every service is having 2 or even 3 nut punch announcements per year. I mean, it's been going downhill for a while now, but it has really accelerated in the past year or two. Netflix kills account sharing then adds an ad supported plan. Hulu and Disney Plus both increase to 18 a month for ad free plans. Paramount and Peacock both went up in price. All of that happened just this year(though I think rumblings about account sharing started in '22). I still think people who try to snarkily talk about the good old days of cable are forgetting just how badly cable sucked.....but as far as comparing nowadays to the one two punch of having Netflix/Hulu circa 2016(and add in Prime Video because you have Prime for the free shipping regardless) it's a mess.
  17. Mick just put up an episode of his podcast about this. Must have been hard for him because it went up about 12 hours later than his episodes normally go up on Fridays. I both want to listen and I don't because I know the poor guy is going to be devastated.
  18. Such ridiculous, delusion cosplay. It's like Black Widow and Hawkeye arm wrestling to determine who the mightiest Avenger is..... What makes it even more of a farce is that the one justification for why this debate should even exist is also the one reality that none of them(other than maybe Christie) dare speak. Which is that they aren't running to be the nominee, they are running to be the "break in case of emergency" candidate due to the possibility that the guy everyone actually wants is put in jail for the rest of his life.....
  19. Don't drink alcohol at all, or any kind of drugs. Can't stand energy drinks. Thanks to the medication I take(blood thinner) I even avoid anything stronger than over the counter Tylenol unless absolutely necessary. My list of vices is pretty much down to 2 or 3 cans of pop per day at this point. But man, like Fiz said, I find caffeine waaaay more difficult to quit than alcohol or smoking ever were.
  20. Yeah, it's always been a free for all with these Trump scandals and witnesses, but adding in over a dozen co-defendants into charges with a 5 year mandatory minimum sentence and likely not pardonable even if Trump wins in '24....this is going to be an infinitely bigger cluster fuck as everyone has to figure out who might get out of the pool first and Trump has to try to keep them all in line with veiled Tweets that will inevitably violate his bond order
  21. This is exactly what I was thinking. "Shocking new Trump poll" is as tired a cliche as "This mystery baffles scientists" and " Dems in disarray" stories. But man, every once in a while my cynical self is still a bit surprised how deep the Trump cult runs. And all for a man who, it's worth mentioning, is the biggest liar in the history of politics. You shouldn't be anymore worried than before, but you should be worried. People making noise about the indictments helping Trump are mostly full of shit. It's like any other terrible person who planned to do something regardless but then justifies their wrong doing by saying "Well you did such and such so you made me do it!". Or put simply, the indictments aren't making more people vote for him. It's just making his voters louder. Show me...show me the guy who voted for Hillary in 2016 and Joe Biden in 2020....but then says to himself, "I never liked that Donald Trump, but now that he is under 4 criminal indictments I think I am going to give him a chance!". Bullshit. A lot of it is conservative smokescreen trying to intimidate people from holding Trump accountable or blaming them for his inevitable nomination.
  22. Looks like a picture from a true crime YouTube video where new DNA evidence allows the cops to make an arrest 40 years after the murders.
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