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Guillotine Operator
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Everything posted by Jason

  1. God, it's going to be such a shitshow if we wind up having to push the date back. Maybe the article here isn't accurately conveying Newsom's language but Biden was much more responsible about being clear we could have July 4 if we don't fuck it up. The way this reads it sounds like people are going to take June 15 as a hard deadline and why set that expectation before you can be certain there won't be a delay? California Plans To Remove Restrictions June 15, Ending COVID-19 Tier System — But Masks Still Required LAIST.COM Watch the full press conference and follow this post for updates.
  2. I wonder if the other law is why the governor tried to veto this one, just being smart enough to realize there was no reason to stir up extra outrage by specifically targeting kids when the other law already covered all the relevant situations anyhow.
  3. U.S. Criticized For Giving $1 Trillion To Military Contractor To Develop Hat That Didn’t Work WWW.THEONION.COM WASHINGTON—In an unusually scathing report issued Tuesday by the Government Accountability Office, investigators found that the Pentagon had paid a military contractor approximately $1 trillion over 15 years to develop a hat that still did not work. “The hat is constructed of some real state-of-the art, space-age materials, but unfortunately, once placed on the head it falls to the ground,” said an anonymous...
  4. I'm jelly, I don't think I ever got to see them live. They definitely peaked with The Alchemist though. Loved the retro doom thing they did with the first album, complete with the retro equipment to fully get the retro sound, Firewood was still great if a bit peppier than the first album (forget if they ditched the retro equipment before or after Firewood), The Alchemist got very far away from doom but the whole jazzy thing in the second half of the album especially felt like a logical progression for them, and the first half was still kinda-sorta that "upbeat groovy doom" thing they had started doing in Firewood...and then it seems like they went generic hard rock after that. The Alchemist lived in my car's CD player my senior year of college, I'm pretty sure my friends were sick of it by the end of the year but I just couldn't get enough of the album.
  5. Chip shortage shows no signs of abating, may drag into 2022 ARSTECHNICA.COM It’s not just manufacturing capacity—wafer and packaging remain constrained.
  6. Is there really a significant proportion of morons out there who won't take any of the COVID vaccines but will take a fancy new medicine that treats COVID once you already have it?
  7. I was raised Jewish but not too long after my bar mitzvah I went full atheist. I'm pretty sure the reason I got put through Hebrew school was more cultural than anything else. My dad is on the record as organized religion is a scam and it was mostly my mom who was upset when I went atheist and she's like 50% gotten over it but 50% still guilt trips me a bit for working on holidays like Yom Kippur. But even she's the kind of person who doesn't really go to synagogue, eats ham and shellfish and whatnot and only goes full kosher during Passover. My other family ranges from basically like my family to at most being slightly more hardcore in the sense of "won't eat blatantly unkosher foods at home but doesn't buy strictly kosher" but I think still won't, like, order lobster at a restaurant? And growing up one of my cousins would do stuff like not play videogames or watch TV on high holidays, not sure if he still keeps that up.
  8. What pharmacy? Saw something a couple of hours ago about Walgreens doing 28 days for both since it was easier to just do that than to code Pfizer and Moderna separately.
  9. I didn't put that much money in, I know it's just gambling just wanted to check if I was missing a news announcement.
  10. Cycling is ten times more important than electric cars for reaching net-zero cities THECONVERSATION.COM Active travel can help tackle the climate crisis earlier than electric vehicles – even if you swap the car for a bike for just one trip a day.
  11. So did EEENF actually hit the oil they were looking for? I see it's going up but I'm not finding anything Googling, so presumably this is just more hype rise and not based off news yet?
  12. Your occasional reminder that national Democrats really fucked screwed the pooch by ignoring statehouse elections in 2020. With fewer state governments divided by party than in years past, GOP has edge in redistricting WWW.PEWRESEARCH.ORG When legislatures get the data to draw new congressional maps, Republicans will drive that process in 20 states, versus 11 for Democrats. Hopefully blue state redistricting offsets the red state fuckery.
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