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Guillotine Operator
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Everything posted by Jason

  1. Blocking the numbers is pointless, they're basically all spoofed. What does work is if where you live doesn't match your area code, just blanket block your entire area code except for ones in your contacts list. Like I live in California so I have no reason like calls from doctors' offices or whatever to be able to receive calls from random New Jersey (my cell phone number's area code) numbers, and most of my junk calls are spoofed to match not just my area code but also my exchange.
  2. Because it was originally the Governor Blackface thread and then it got renamed as more WTF Virginia news kept coming out.
  3. Supreme Court’s pro-Facebook ruling could unleash “flood” of robocalls ARSTECHNICA.COM Robocall systems aren't "autodialers" if they don't generate random numbers.
  4. I never said it was better than Ragnarok, just that it' better than the first one.
  5. Pay $50 a month with taxes for 200/200 from Starry, I often see 230/230 though. During the pandemic Starry added a $30 for 100/50. The cheapest plan from Charter is 200/10 for $74.99. Even their gigabit download only has 35 up. The only other option is crappy DSL from Frontier, not seeing an upload speed but looks like it's 25 down for $45. A year or two ago I think it was still something like 15/3 for the same price. 20-30 Mbps upload is bad enough living alone, I can't imagine how bad it's been the past year in multi-person households.
  6. LOL ISPs are fucking mad. Cable lobby slams Biden broadband plan, says everything is just fine already ARSTECHNICA.COM Industry says US should favor private ISPs and take no action to lower prices.
  7. The Amazon Rainforest Now Emits More Greenhouse Gases Than It Absorbs WWW.SMITHSONIANMAG.COM Climate change and deforestation have transformed the ecosystem into a net source of planet-warming gases instead of a carbon sink
  8. In the US most of these racist statues are from the Jim Crow era, it's not like the actual Confederates put them up.
  9. I mean it's rare to need ZERO changes, but if it's more than a couple of lines it's easier to copy paste it in and then tweak it than to type all of it in by hand.
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