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Guillotine Operator
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Everything posted by Jason

  1. Funnest part of constipation is when it packs everything in so tight that when it eventually comes out it looks like diarrhea.
  2. Chinese Robocalls Bombarding The U.S. Are Part Of An International Phone Scam WWW.NPR.ORG The Mandarin-language messages are part of a "parcel scam" that falsely accuses Chinese immigrants of money laundering and then extorts them.
  3. I feel like a massive turd just chilling in the trash like that would have been worse tbh. And a lot of my turds aren't fully formed, don't remember if this one was but good odds it was more of a mound than a log and thus not something you could just grab out.
  4. Why are you in bed all the time? And at least you're not shitting the bed.
  5. Yup I've had this. One time it happened to me was in college. No plunger in the bathroom so I couldn't deal with it, and it was the weekend so the toilet was out of commission until Monday when housekeeping came back. So I had to do all my wiping and throw the tp into the already-clogged toilet. Got back into my room without anybody seeing me but it was across the hall from my room so I could hear the conversation a couple of people were having about the unreasonable tp usage blocking the toilet upon the blockage being discovered. Had to stop myself from going out and explaining what happened. The toilets in college sucked so much I'd flush partway through wiping to prevent tp clogs and I think that time I tried to flush before even wiping at all and then bam clogged toilet.
  6. CA D-voting NIMBYs, meanwhile, will still not have even a single second of self-reflection about the fact that they sound exactly like Tucker Carlson.
  7. You never watch the setup in the videos?
  8. They would only try to get rid of him if it was an open primary like they had with Roy Moore where he didn't already have the seat, he's now an established incumbent which means they're not going to try to push him out.
  9. When you're twice their age they just let you do it, you can do anything, grab 'em by the pussy.
  10. That's my secret Fiz, I'm always masturbating.
  11. It depends on how hard you go. Copping a nice mimosa buzz at a group brunch? Great. Going HARD, though? I dated a girl for a few weeks a while back who went so at brunch (which meant I'd wind up keeping up with her) that my day was done at like 2 PM because of how drunk I already was. THAT was dreadful.
  12. You can just pay someone to shitpost on social media for you, it's not like you have to actually DO anything as a Republican member of Congress.
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