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Guillotine Operator
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Everything posted by Jason

  1. You can get vaccinated as a tourist in Canada and I'm gonna be in Vancouver in a month.
  2. lmao a 4 git gud Chris Wordle 349 3/6 🟨⬛⬛🟩🟩 ⬛🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  3. Novavax hopes its COVID shot wins over FDA, vaccine holdouts - ABC News ABCNEWS.GO.COM Americans may soon get a new COVID-19 vaccine option — a more traditional kind of shot known as a protein vaccine
  4. Anyhow I'll once again point out that Avenatti would have never caught on if there wasn't the universal perception of Democrats being rollover pussies unwilling to fight.
  5. The article is from 10 years ago. Read the comments vice what we now know about Whedon for some sad lulz.
  6. TIL and what the actual fuck The Firefly Episode We're Really Glad Joss Whedon Didn't Get to Make GIZMODO.COM Last night's Firefly reunion special on the Science Channel contained the requisite amount of love for the spaceship that Joss Whedon and friends built. And for the fans — the greatest moment is this brief snippet where Gina Torres says, "There's nothing like a scifi fan. Like warm honey, poured all over you." I…
  7. I live in a one bedroom that's probably around 750 sq ft and I wind up bypassing my "living room" a lot of the time because my gaming PC is in my bedroom, so inevitably a lot of TV gets watched on the computer instead of getting set up on the plasma since it's just lower friction to get media playing on the desktop. I don't need a ton of space, really all I need is an extra room for a WFH space that I can just not go into except to work, and enough sound isolation to set up surround sound with the main TV without getting lynched by my neighbors.
  8. But make sure to keep filing your taxes every year even though you no longer live here. And if you renounce your citizenship we'll charge you exit taxes and probably bar you from ever coming back to visit.
  9. This is how I've always felt about opiates when I've needed them for pain. That I'm still aware that I'm in pain and if I'm in a bad mood I can still get fixated on it, it just helps me choose to not feel it possibly.
  10. And of course I'm sure this is gonna be the karma that lands me with my first positive test.
  11. Today I finally found a situation where even I was thinking "WTF seriously" when I was asked to go get a mask. Went to get a PCR test today. It's in an open air parking lot and the guy who checks you in and gives you the swab is sitting in a little booth with a plexiglass window where he slides the test out to you through a little hole at waist height. I didn't say anything since his job is to spend all day being near people who are probably more likely than average to have COVID so I guess I get being a little jumpy, but then add on the fact that all he was wearing was a three ply surgical mask and it was hard to not feel like it was a bit much (like you care that much but aren't wearing a better mask?). I'd gotten out of my car without my mask since it's all outside and he made me go back to my car and get my mask before checking me in.
  12. I mean making the Republicans vote against it is better politics than the Democrats normally engage in, but the press will probably pin it solely on Manchin.
  13. Why is the first "More Tweets" a manass selfie?
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