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Everything posted by BuckFly

  1. For the record, we are all in agreement, though, that Titan Fall 2 got needlessly and shamelessly f***ed by EA, right?
  2. There...right there, Keyser. Thank you. The word "special" is very appropriate. I was honestly a little surprised when I heard BFV was even coming out, or rather, coming out so soon. ...also as of the last few years, more than any other genre, I think shooters have to be careful with fatigue with respect to their customers. I am ridiculously fired up for the next Halo game. Sure, because it appears as though they are going to be doing something different, but more so because it is time.
  3. Don't you understand, Ash, that makes her more "real" and more contemporary with our world. Not the dimension-ally limited, cartoon heroin you're talking about. ...I agree with you.
  4. Is it crazy to think that the drop off could be partially due to the fact that people still like and are satisfied with BF1 and aren't looking for anything new from them right now? I'm being honest here. Sometimes, even gamers can live within their own economy and say, "yeah, I can keep going with the underwear I have. It works. No need to spend on anything new."
  5. Biggie, I apologize as life has been a little crazy and although I had about 6 hours in before launch I have put in only an hour since Saturday! I will say that I put in "work" in practice on Saturday to get my feet under me a bit. Working with a very, very limited Bills team simply on Pro against the Dolphins I was able to get a 29-14 halftime lead before my daughter decided that daddy wasn't going to play football anymore that day. I don't state that score as a pat on my back to my Madden prowess, but it just shows my progress. The same scenario with the Dolphins early in the week (actually before the 7th) had me throwing 3 picks in the first half and being down 21-3. I've gotten more used to the limited Bills playbook (won't switch until I see what is going on with what I have with McDermott), moved my receivers around (Benjamin, Kerley and now Coleman when I am in 3 receiver sets) and my defensive play calling has improved, although my coverage is still poor. Priority 1 when I get back in this week: more practice in game situations. Priority 2: MUT. Although I have been playing for years I still feel a bit overwhelmed, but I am just trying to take things one step at a time. I am really uncomfortable making decisions in MUT as I don't want to make the wrong decision, but I'll continue to plow into it. I have about an hour in.
  6. I checked earlier, and if memory serves me it could be $250. Teh regular xbox is $200. I have a 1TB SSD xbox, but it is just the original.
  7. BTW, seriously I am not making this up as I saw it in a commentary yesterday, the swat is much better this year. Slug, I know you have tried a million things so forgive me, but have you tried waiting longer before switching to the db? maybe just before?
  8. Slug, I think there are defenses, though, that you can call that might help alleviate some of the short comings on your game. I don't play a ton online, so take it for what it is worth as I am by no means an expert. However, possibly doing "over" with your pre snap coverage, or pop your DBs back a bit before the play might help. ...or really do just play against the computer. Competitively it as well has gotten a little better this year.
  9. I couldn't agree more. Slug, I am right there with you, and my team stinks. However, I do love football quite a bit and for the first time in awhile with a game I am a little determined to try and get better. All great points, Pika. Welcome back!
  10. I wanted to put more time in last night, but the Bills game was on. I'm taking my father-in-law to the Bisons game tonight, but hope some time this weekend to put some time in specifically with MUT. First, things do seem slower in 19 with RPM, but it just seems more...right, if that makes sense. additionally, avoiding using turbo too soon like some onlin have suggested is great advice. more to come.
  11. Biggie, I've looked at MUT, I have scratched the surface of MUT in 18, and I kind of understand MUT. However, I don't know how to do MUT. Do I just open every pack that I have and leave it off to the side until I need them, or do I open every pack and implement the ones that help my team into my team right away? Hell, additionally, even Franchise Mode so far seems different from 18. There was a big update yesterday, but where's my Corey Coleman? I still have Bray starting at WR and he isn't even a Buffalo Bill anymore. Plus I couldn't make changes in Franchise Mode. Additionally, I am hitting they icon for plays and it is not calling that play. AND I COULDN'T MOVE A SLOT RECEIVER TO A WIDE OUT POSITION, SO I HAVE A S***TY WIDEOUT STARTING AND A BETTER ONE ON THE BENCH. AND MY SOUP IS COLD AND I'VE LOST MY SHAWL!!!
  12. ...as long as I have permission from the Mods to start "Official" threads. Very tied up right now and I hope to post comments as I go, subject to the fact that I may have to kill myself with a very big gun pointed at my very big forehead before I even get halfway through Long Shots 2.
  13. He's from my district. We know him. My siblings know him better. Western New York is heavily red, except for the City center areas, like Buffalo.
  14. Damn this is a good question Spork. i haven't done a lot lately, but honestly, within the first 12 months I replayed Halo: CE 6 times. I've replayed most of REIV, first on the game cube, then on the Wii, then on the Xbox. it's the moments, man...it's like visiting an old friend going back down some of those same roads.
  15. @SFLUFAN @JPDunks4 @CitizenVectron @Keyser_Soze @Pikachu @Massdriver @XxEvil AshxX Most of you guys know that I am older...OK, most of you guys know I am old. Although I have a very young child most of my friends and relatives have teenage children. I am rarely amazed, because I am at that age where the world and life just seem to be repeating themselves. However, I can't believe how big Fortnite is with the younger generation right now. This is not to insult PUBG, or even anyone around here who prefers PUBG. The thing is it doesn't make a difference whether it is my friend's child down in Atlanta, or another friend's children over in Providence Rhode Island, or my nephews or my in-laws' children locally, or even my neighbors' kids right behind me...all of them have brought up in conversation with me (or I have seen it first hand myself) how big Fortnite is to their kids. Even if you cancel out my love of gaming or my membership on this Board I would still know what Fortnite is because it is so very present now that it comes up in random conversation with adults about what their children are doing. Again, no disrespect...but no parent brings up PUBG. That doesn't mean it is not successful, and believe me I know it is still huge. I may not play PUBG (I'm sorry, Keyser, my friend...I've just been squeaking time in lately for Madden as a break), but I still follow gaming, generally. It's just that now the gaming beast is being fed by a different master to the degree that it is permeating culture. In a word I am...amazed.
  16. It is hard not to consider this damage control. Would we be seeing this course of action if there were no Fortnite?
  17. TC, honestly, other than the exclusives, which we know will eventually come with the new studios, I am quite pleased with everything Phil and MSG has been doing for the last year or so.
  18. TomCat, you take back right now what you said about TomCat. I am actually a personal friend of TomCat, we have lunch every week at the Tim Hortons on Transit Road in Depew. Some times TomCat pays, sometimes BuckFly pays. TomCat knows what he is talking about and TomCat knows about the Xbox One X. SO F*** you TomCat, I got your back forever brother! Edit: How meta (if I have any clue about what that word means, which I likely don't) that when I wrote the above I never once considered my avatar picture, which... ...wait for it. ...wait for it. ...in the back ground has the Tim Hortons on Transit Road in Depew.
  19. Sorry, Biggie, just saw this. Additionally, I don't really have any MP games on the PS4 Pro.
  20. So stiff. So unnatural. So uncomfortable. ...it's mesmerizing. I asked you a few years back where it is from and you said it was from the Rebecca Black "Friday" video. I then went to see if it had been doctored at all. ...it wasn't.
  21. If I didn't see it, KS, then it didn't happen. That's the way life works. * (* That isn't even remotely close to how life works.)
  22. Unrelated to the topic. Leon, to my memory you have never changed your avatar. I love it, man. Always have, always will.
  23. Misfit, every time I come across it on mixer I usually watch it fo a few minutes. I like the game and I like the look of the game...and frankly (maybe weirdly) I like the streams better in RR than I do PUBG or Fortnite.
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