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Everything posted by CitizenVectron

  1. Man I should get back into this. I played for a few weeks when it first launched but haven't come back. Same with PUBG, actually.
  2. I really wish they would have not used any of the OT characters at all for this one except Luke as a ghost (and have the trilogy start with Ben having already killed Luke as his moment of betrayal a few years before). The new trilogy is waaaay too tied to the past to have its own interesting story. I blame JJ.
  3. Yeah now they are quite small, basically a little square. Honestly, I'd rather have twitter posts be larger (like before) and have the occasional monster-size FB post than keep it this way. We have twitter posts all the time, but FB is much more rare.
  4. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-mexico-usa-helicopters/mexicos-president-elect-will-cancel-planned-u-s-helicopter-order-idUSKBN1K1332?il=0 Mexico's new president cancelling $1.36 Billion helicopter order from the US.
  5. It's true that asbestos is amazing at what it does, and if properly contained. The issue is that it's never properly contained because people are idiots, so it had to be banned. It's like how guns will never kill anyone if properly used by sane people...except for all of the idiots that own them.
  6. Wait, don't you mean moderate dems are going to lose elections for dems? The social democrat won the nomination.
  7. The outrage was that the Liberal government started sex ed in Kindergarten, and conservatives flipped their shit. But it wasn't teaching about sex at all (that early), it was just introducing them to concepts like sex and gender. Then as they got older other things were introduced like orientation, and eventually intercourse and related activities (including safe sex). This will eliminate any instruction on orientation, gender identity, and social media/web stuff. It's a huge step backward, but that's what the people of Ontario deserve for voting in a drug dealer.
  8. Can't wait until they get rid of all physical ports altogether and then you'll need to buy a bluetooth hub and adapters for all the normal products you need to interface with. Except they'll also be using a proprietary bluetooth so you need to pay the Apple premium.
  9. There definitely is harm. How many Trump voters are likely to support a Democrat, even if she votes with Trump's initiatives 10 or 20% of the time? Now how many Democrats will sit at home and be unmotivated if their own candidate doesn't stand up to the worst administration in modern history? Research has been pretty clear from the last decade that motivating your own base is more valuable than appealing to "moderates" on the other side.
  10. So... https://www.cnbc.com/2018/07/10/white-house-releases-list-of-goods-hit-by-200-billion-in-tariffs.html
  11. Realistically the solution to this is to have government benefits rise by a small amount to compensate for the need to purchase plastic straws for themselves.
  12. I mean yes, but it's also saving a tonne of disposable plastic waste. It's like saying that removing free plastic bags from stores creates a tax on those who can't carry 20 items in their arms at once. It's true, but the benefits outweigh the cons. And in the case of straws, the cost is so negligible as to be nothing. If it was adding $500 or even $100 a year to disabled people then I would think it's not right, but this is a few dollars at most, assuming they don't purchase longer-lasting metal straws for themselves instead.
  13. People who need plastic straws can bring their own with them, much like people who need anti-tremor spoons do the same. The actual need for plastic straws is incredibly small.
  14. The best part of the new trilogy is the Rey-Kylo-Luke dynamic. Since nothing will top the Empire in terms of threat (the best you can do is just copy it, like JJ did in TFA), I think they should have actually not had any galactic threat to begin with, and made the new trilogy almost exclusively about the family dynamic. Yes you'd need a few battles thrown in, but honestly the battles in the new trilogy have been really small anyway. I'm hopeful for Lando, but I'm worried we're just going to get a cookie-cutter ending that's even more predictable than RoTJ.
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