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Everything posted by CitizenVectron

  1. Okay here are my first impressions as a first-time player: 1) Some of the worst controls in a PC game I've ever used. Seriously, who thought that using X and F and Q and E together in a menu was intuitive? And sometimes you can click left-click to progress in a menu, but other times you need to hit F. It's really poorly designed. 2) Third-person looks okay, but you can tell it's tacked on. No customization for camera position, etc. Character should be near bottom of screen, but is smack dab in the middle (vertically). 3) I haven't played a grind-fest this bad since Star Fox Adventures. The "loop" as people call it is horrible. You can summon your ship anywhere on the planet for free as many times as you want, but if you want to take off and land you need to make metal plating? This is a really poorly-designed ship! 4) Inventory system is also really bad. It's a nice looking game, but I feel done with it after 5 or 6 hours already.
  2. Looks like this is coordinated: http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/conservatives-start-suggesting-colluding-russia-isnt-so-bad Pretty soon the lines will be "better a traitor than a liberal," and "I'm glad the Russians interfered and stopped Clinton!"
  3. I can see both sides of it, but I think most Americans would agree with you. But I also think that Americans' views of what 'proper' healthcare is is skewed by the crappy current system. I had a bad throat cold/infection and it turned out to be really bad strep throat, and I was given antibiotics. All of this was free. I was sick for over a week, but it would have been longer without the antibiotics. I rarely use antibiotics, but this was pretty bad. But it was all free and I am glad I did it.
  4. That is $300 billion less than the existing system costs rate-payers, however. So even a conservative think tank admits that single-payer is cheaper. What would you define as over-utilization? People going to their doctor when they have the flu?
  5. Trump's defense has entered the end-game: Yeah maybe there was collusion, but there is no law against that:
  6. Economic growth means nothing to most people anyway since all of the growth in the past few decades has gone to the rich. This chart is very depressing:
  7. I really enjoyed the first season, so I'm looking forward to this. I hope that there are more episodes in this season.
  8. https://www.starwars.com/news/star-wars-episode-ix-cast-announced Interesting. I know they shot a scene where Rey and Leia meet on Takodana and it wasn't used for the film, I wonder if that will be it. Also, Luke is back:
  9. Oh, and this isn't the most outrageous part (though it still is). The worst part is that he is also cancelling four elections for regional board positions in Ontario, in the middle of an active election campaign. Perhaps coincidentally, the current favourites in those four elections are on the opposite end of the political spectrum. It's a total abuse of power to simply cancel elections if your own team is going to lose. I hope this turns into a scandal and that he has to backpeddle. Completely undemocratic.
  10. Yes. In Canada the provincial governments can legislate city powers and structure. The outrage is that he never mentioned it during the election, and it appears to take away power from city voters and give it to suburban voters (i.e. to conservatives).
  11. However... http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/398609-kremlin-russia-not-ready-to-accept-trump-invite-to-second-summit
  12. Honestly, I think that almost all Presidential marriages are based on lies of one sort or another. By the time you become President you a husk of the human being you once were. Some people seem to make it through, such as Obama, but even his marriage suffered as a result of his quick political climb. Now imagine having to slog through politics for 20-40 years before attaining the Presidency. I mean, I've read that JFK and Jackie were basically divorced while he was President. I think you are wrong in believing we are letting politics cloud our judgement here, Dodger.
  13. ? It's pretty well-known that her and Bill have a loveless marriage that exists only for political reasons. The same is true of Melanie and Trump, only for monetary reasons. Or do you actually believe they love each other and get along?
  14. http://thefayetteadvocate.com/2018/07/25/whistleblower-provides-emails-that-show-stormy-daniels-arrest-was-pre-planned/ Law enforcement is not as professional as we all believed!!!
  15. Oh it's already on the way! And this time the government probably won't even boost spending!
  16. Yet every single local realtors association is parroting the same "the market is strong, and it's a great time to sell OR buy!" lines.
  17. And that is why the US will be the last western nation to adopt it (if at all). Money will make sure that workers do not have any power in negotiating their terms of employment.
  18. But why? I mean, Sinclair is awesome for conservatives. Was it Fox that saw it as a competitor and asked the administration to scuttle the deal?
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