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Everything posted by CitizenVectron

  1. "How the fuck are books still selling when they don't even have fucking HDR or 4K or CGI?" That's how the OP sounds. Fun is fun, and Nintendo is generally fun.
  2. I wonder how successful a campaign of "A vote for a Democrat is a vote for Medicare For All" would be.
  3. "Unknown" simply means it hasn't been tested. It's why most drugs for most diseases aren't approved for children or pregnant women...there is nothing to suggest they aren't safe, but companies/universities are loathe to sign up those groups for testing unless the disease is a specific issue to them. Also, these vaccines ARE NOT BEING RUSHED. I am getting sick of people "just asking questions" about this. The entire reason that most vaccines/treatments take 10+ years to be approved is because it takes 9+ years to raise the money and sign people up for testing. Most of the energy and effort of disease research is dealing with government red tape and securing grant money/funding. Once all that is done, most trials only last a few months to a year...just like the COVID-19 vaccines. The only reason they are going so fast (relative to normal timelines) is because there has been an unlimited dump of money into it, as well as an unlimited number of volunteers and researchers.
  4. Well that's not a handout, it's grift. The difference is that a handout goes to people who are lazy, while grifts go to people who are clever (according to people who grift).
  5. I would generally agree. I was more pointing out the contrast between Canada and the US, where it has become a left/right issue, unfortunately.
  6. Pallister is a doofus, but even conservative premiers like him in Canada (except Kenney, the king of doofuses) are imploring people to not visit each other for Christmas.
  7. I concur with dodger. Typically the question has to do with if insurance has paid out for a claim. I can't guarantee that as I'm in a different country, obviously.
  8. This is a really good interview with a doctor who tells it like it is: Alberta is the worst-off province in Canada, and the doctor is stating facts about needing to shut down all medical services except for emergency, and soon needing to triage for who lives and who dies. The last half of the interview is the most dire. Basically says lockdown is the only answer now because the law of nature will win, regardless of how much you care about the economy.
  9. 'Dune,' 'Matrix 4,' and Every 2021 Warner Bros. Film to Debut on HBO Max and in Theaters at Same Time WWW.INDIEWIRE.COM All of the studios' 2021 titles will be available to stream on HBO Max for one month at the same time they open in theaters. Wow, that is not good for theatres.
  10. But if they don't pass it now, the GOP will use that against them. "Our Democratic friends in the House refuse to give aid to Americans!" Of course, this is actually preferable in a functional democracy since you can counter-argue...but the Democrats are basically run by people afraid of what the GOP might say about them.
  11. Couple face charges for boarding plane to Hawaii after positive Covid test | US news | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM Pair arrested on second-degree reckless endangerment charges after boarding flight from San Francisco with four-year-old son Jesus fucking Christ.
  12. Also, the long-term affects on lungs appears to be horrible. We are talking COPD-like effects for millions of people around the world: Covid-19: Lung damage 'identified' in study WWW.BBC.COM Researchers are to investigate whether young people and those not in hospital could be affected. But hey, i aM yOuNg, i'M nOt gOiNg tO dIe
  13. Oh wait, never mind. Independent counts (not entirely relying on under-reported public government releases, but rather local numbers added together) show the US has already passed 3,000/day yesterday: US logs a record 3,157 coronavirus deaths in one day | World news | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM New cases exceed 200,000 on same day, with 90% of hospitals said to be at stretched capacity
  14. My prediction of 3,000 deaths a day in mid-January might have been off...because there's a good chance the US will reach that in a week or two.
  15. That's cool. We are still trying to figure out what to do for ours. Maybe some sort of jackbox tournament over discord or something.
  16. And we were one of the first with Moderna, while some countries like France won't be even approving that vaccine until next spring. Are you referring to the Oxford vaccine that will likely need new trials because they boofed the Phase III trials? Sorry I should have been more clear, I was referring to the mRNA vaccines, which are cutting-edge and for which we have no capability. So in other words, we will be near the front, but not at the same pace as the US/UK. The reason we spent so much, however, is because Canada had the most robust assistance plans for businesses and people in the world. Sure it could have been scaled back, but then more people would have been negatively affected. It's a trade-off.
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