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Everything posted by 5timechamp

  1. …seems to have been exercising his 2nd Amendment rights, now we will never know if the kid was a potential “good guy” with a gun. Adding a law that holds the owner of a weapon liable for any crime or violence committed with said weapon might encourage more parental control and responsibility over storage of said weapon… nothing encourages caution more than having your own ass on the line. Plus such a law wouldnt infringe on the “responsible” gun owners rights
  2. Arizona republicans passing law prohibiting the filming of cops at distances closer than 8 feet… I wonder how far away cops are during traffic stops.. guess no more of those cute traffic stop “I know the law against bully cop” videos that keep popping up
  3. im sure by then the state legislature will have the power to deny/negate those votes
  4. the first thing people did after the “thoughts and prayers” bit was to immediately label “hes Antifa,” hes Leftist
  5. Dems just need to shout this shit to the heavens and make public aware.. (not that they will care)… Schedule a literal emergency state of the union address and outline exactly whats about to happen.. lay out the GOP plan for all to see and then announce the necessary and extreme actions you intend to take to prevent this..the GOP are in the Endgame, stop thinking there is a compromise to be found….
  6. Wonder why theyre not trying to Codify same sex marriage as thats likely next big fish the zealots might want.. the GOP is so good at creating scares (Dems are coming for your guns)… Dems need to play that plan, and the best part is the things they accuse them of are true… get ahead of the GOPs locking in state legislature powers while you still can
  7. …. so whats over/under that he serves even 2 Cosby years
  8. If it ever even sniffs a point where a trial happens im sure they will find ways to disqualify and disallow most of the evidence..
  9. Maybe youre like me and keep waiting for a surprise “series of arrests made in connection to” Honestly at this point Im just wishing death upon these jerks
  10. Louisiana redistricting with the GOP legislature drawn map is in play and another soon to be success story
  11. Again.. wit these 2 Americas its crapshoot if these agents have loyalty to truth or to a political party… sitting just crossing your arms and saying “it didnt happen” non-stop is enough to deny any case against the Trump brigade… hell the people who need to see this arent even paying attention.. Trumps “ I can shoot someone in the middle of the street..” boast has proven bulletproof true
  12. do oaths even matter? I thought after our Supreme Court justices play with ROE that we now realized that oaths dont matter to these clowns as much as power and agenda
  13. Finally put in credit card info to do the $1 + 2 months of free gamepass (i hate that it requires it)… downloaded the Tunic, Carrion, and Tetris Effect… unsurprisingly im still trash at Tetris, had to call in the big huns (ze wife) to see it really rock. Gamepass is not bad, even looking at it as a way to demo certain games
  14. Its as if the Dems would rather lose a billion times over as long as they can claim the high moral ground… Im not sure how much worse it would get if the Dems started playing as dirty as the GOP, but the thing is the GOP base are already convinced that the Left is trying to destroy them so…
  15. The anger polls very well but it never translates to destroying the mechanisms that allow such things.. it goes beyond presidential elections (when GOP wins the next one they wont be dislodged for a long while.. specially if a better Trump is found)… The chipping away at the system has been so effective people dont know where to begin… voter suppression, districts, corruption.. the ticks are very well dug in.. it would literally take a draining of the swamp and honestly all politicians are so intermixed with one another that it wont happen because it might threaten the 2 party glass ceiling they desperately work to preserve
  16. the F-14 Iran connection is coincidental to the more important task of the movie having the Tomcat in the film.. Cant wait to see it again
  17. Lauren Santo Domingo reminds Ivanka Trump's alleged abortion after Roe v. Wade's overturning WWW.GOOGLE.COM Ivanka Trump was seen as the most capable member of the Trump family. She's considered the most charismatic and admired among Trump's sons and daughters. Ver... Granted, its not about abortion shaming as much as its a denial of a privilege you were afforded
  18. … The same people who Kick and Scream like little children that the government cant force them to wear a mask cause its “their” choice celebrate the government that dictates what happens between their legs.. weird
  19. the RGB passing and/or unwillingness to retire was such a facilitating event.. I swear, its like a movie where everything comes up roses for the bad guys… at what point do the “good guys” start winning?
  20. so, the end goal is for folks to eventually need licensing for child birth.. are we on the road to the 3 seashells or on the path to war on Klendathu?
  21. Yup, Left lives in a we love all and hope we can get you to compromise on things and the right is in win at all costs mode.. it helps that the Right has a clear vision while the left is all over the place
  22. So far the entirety of the Trump presidency looks like a Scorsese crime saga like Casino or Goodfellas…. can we skip to the part at the end where the bosses tie up all loose ends by killing off the people involved? or are these criminals too sure of their safety because their voters will never believe the facts spitting them in the eye?
  23. It is likely..but even then why wait the hour? If they shot one of the victims though rightfully tragic its still in service of saving the many.. if one of the cops insisted they had to go in was it command and control failure or fear? (one can be used to excuse the other) I guess my minor question is now it implies that the Cops went in… has the off duty Border patrol agent killing the shooter narrative changed
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