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Everything posted by Chris-

  1. I'm not aware of any changes Trump made to the typical guidance on donations, but the CARES Act allows any taxpayer to deduct up to $300 in cash donations (usually you have to itemize to deduct donations).
  2. I intend to write their Congressperson (without identifying them, of course) and ask why they are so willing to cosign their constituents to poverty.
  3. This is a VITA return I did today; the taxpayer is a single parent of four who lost virtually all of their income, and is in the process of filing for disability. Because of the arbitrary phase in of the EIC and CTC, they are getting $349 for their troubles, whereas last year they received nearly $9,000. This republic deserves to fail.
  4. For the sake of all that is good and righteous, please tell me you did not get all of your learnings from this thread!
  5. Were it not for the rest of the party illustrating how dumb they are, Little Marco’s tweet may otherwise be a slice of brilliance. Too bad!
  6. I read about how UPMC - one of (if not the) biggest health system in the state, and doubtlessly its biggest vaccine recipient, has been vaccinating all of its employees (even those who do not interact with patients or health care workers) ahead of the general public, so I’ve gone full Joker and will now lie and cheat my way into a vaccine ASAP. If a billion dollar healthcare giant isn’t going to follow to rules than neither will I.
  7. Those cases are exceptionally rare, and I’d be shocked if they weren’t an extreme minority of the people who are actually affected by this.
  8. I have done VITA work for 8 years and I’ve never seen a tax payer with a dependent file single. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, but it would be exceptionally rare (and likely not even kosher, since most of the tax prep software out there won’t even let you do that).
  9. Yeah but they aren’t phasing it out at 80k per household. Not saying I agree with their approach (it sucks), only pointing out that what you said isn’t what they are doing.
  10. I like challenge but I don’t necessarily seek it out. It helps that my gaming skills are more or less average, so ‘Normal’ difficulty will suffice in most cases.
  11. The most Midwestern den imaginable. Oddly cozy, doesn’t try too hard. Perfection.
  12. Bloodporne swinging in with the bachelor pussy palace interior design.
  13. I saw a picture of the Katy Freeway the other day and my jaw dropped; @b_m_b_m_b_m would be on the floor if he saw that fucking thing. Makes I-5 look like a country road.
  14. Let's be voyeurs and look at each others' living rooms/basements/dungeons.
  15. Chris-

    I'm sad

    @Bacon have you ever eaten spinach?
  16. Logically I could justify it given I smoke weed (and smokers are in the current phase), but I don’t know, I’d just feel to awful given how hard it has been for so many people to get an appointment. Besides, I can just stay inside and keep getting stoned, I’m well positioned to wait awhile longer.
  17. It’s totally fine to start with Bloodborne, however whenever you jump to a proper Souls game just be aware that the combat is very different. The overall design and experience is very similar though.
  18. Posting your own tweets is fine because we need D1P Twitter to become more active than D1P Discord.
  19. Same. The temptation to game the system (PA is still relatively restricted in terms of rollout) is obscene. And I might otherwise do it were it not for the horror stories some high-risk folk have discussed in trying to schedule their own appointments.
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