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Everything posted by chakoo

  1. Any update on whether any publisher was picking up FM2 for a physical release? I'd love to ultimately get all 3 games in physical format for switch.
  2. The staff jokingly changed his diet to Taco Bell to clean the pipes.
  3. I want to get an EV sometime after my building installs chargers (sometime later this year), it will not be a Tesla.
  4. Will companies stop putting stuff on sale! I'm running out of space for my switch backlog... Recent switch physical adds over the past week: * Star Ocean The Second Story R * Made In Abyss * Bomb Rush Cyberfunk * Demon Slayer- The Hinokami Chronicles
  5. I don't mind sending it to you but don't want to put you in more debt to play it. Maybe lets see if it goes on sale soon and I can get you a copy for your platform of choice (providing it's not PC where it doesn't exist).
  6. It would probably be in the GOPs interest to have a few people go missing on the day of the vote and let the Dems put up their own. Then they can spend what little time remains complaining how the dems stole the speakership from them.
  7. No condo hate from me. I love my 2bdr condo in DT Toronto. My building is a bit older but is well maintained and because of that the floor space is huge (1350 sqf). I feel like I would die of depression if I had to move out to the suburbs. I just personally feel the price of housing/condo here in Canada/Toronto is ridiculous (the houses near me are all 3mil+ starting).
  8. 6% is nuts. It’s 5% here in Toronto which is split between the realtor and buyers agent. When even a 1 bedroom condo is going for 700k+ it’s an absurd amount of money. Some buying agents will even make you sign in their contract that you’ll pay the difference if the seller doesn’t give them their 2.5%. -.-
  9. They said that before in the Carol case even after they had one secured. I'd wait till we get to the day of the deadline before buying anything his lawyers say.
  10. Have you beaten the title screen on the demo yet? Prove you'll actually play the game and play the demo till Rolf joins the party (about 1h 30m in) and post proof. (probably do this on switch so your save transfers over).
  11. @GameDadGrant you get one yet? These long drawn out last 3DS releases are kind of funny but I also think it's such a late release that most are ignoring that it even exist unlike the previous two.
  12. Thanks but just fyi, it was on the 9th. :P (I just didn't really post about it before).
  13. Your kids just though it was another Ubisoft game is all.
  14. I've got a Analogue in my Pocket and it's happy to see me (bday gift to myself, it was new and luckily the markup wasn't much to the point it probably would have cost me the same to buy from analogue + their shipping to Canada). I was going to get a black one but kept dragging my feat and they went out of stock again but I'm happy with a clear one. I also got a 3ds game but I'll save a photo of that for the 3ds thread!
  15. We did this at my last company (Software), it worked out well for our scale & remote setup. To make it work you have to do more than just saying you now only work 4 days (Like cut down on meetings) but as long as everybody puts in the effort it can work.
  16. TikTok was already close to selling from the push in the past. Most likely they will just sell and users won't notice the difference.
  17. I think the issue is the way it's shown to people and it's sample use case is the problem. It's shown as just some way to extract an object from an image which most will just question why that matter when their iphone can do the same. Yet this could be a good thing for it's use in tech as people won't be flipping the **** out like they are with GenAI.
  18. Yeah it's called Segment Anything. It's really impressive and the work done with forks of it HQ Segment Anything has been used in some really awesome projects. I'm kind of sad I didn't try to get some VC funding last year to build an idea I wanted for AR space because people are now actually releasing stuff close to what I wanted to make back then. If I do it now I'll probably be playing catchup for a long time.
  19. Yeah to be fair Meta puts a lot into their AI/ML research even if much of it doesn't get converted into a product. The thing with meta is most/many researchers go there for 2-4 years then leave for something else. So really if you want to get meta talent just play the long game and always leave an offer on the table, they'll quit and join you eventually. It was always interesting watching the TVs in the food halls showing off work anniversaries and once it got to the 5 year mark the numbers dwindled to just a tiny handful.
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