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Everything posted by Joe

  1. Jorge Lopez has been freed! I'll never understand their mishandling of him.
  2. I had employees tell me that they didn't want to work overtime because they ended up making less because of increased taxes. People say and think the darndest things.
  3. My brother got shat on once during anal. No bueno.
  4. What's your current favorite restaurant in Pittsburgh
  5. Not even the best player on his team.
  6. I grew up going to libraries all the time. It would inconceivable to live without them.
  7. Comedians have joked about literally EVERYTHING since comedy was invented. We randomly have decided to get offended in July 2018.
  8. At worst, he needs to be written up or given a verbal warning, but being outright fired is disgusting.
  9. Has Graft popped up near you? I had their Gose cider the other day and it's incredible.
  10. Oh man, red wine is essential for me. Gives me reflux issues though, which sucks.
  11. From what I understand, there is a huge amount of variance with the wine. Sometimes you will get an enormous value, sometimes you will get undrinkable garbage.
  12. That came off far more douchey than intended lol. I have little doubt that deep dish pizza is yummy.
  13. Does it pair nicely with your bread casserole? I'm sure it does.
  14. I visited my cousin tonight and he insisted on getting me inebbriated on Albariño with some shrimp. Highly recommended.
  15. Mexican League is absurdly corrupt. (Waht a twist)
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