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Everything posted by Joe

  1. Dude you've spoken about how you hate your job, how you're overweight, how your gf is fat. I didnt project or make anything up. You say it.
  2. Have you ever thought that maybe you have a shitty job and make very little money because you are a lazy and unmotivated guy? You have said here as much many times over the years. Blaming people even poorer than you because your life isnt what you hoped it would be is unfair.
  3. By the way, in case anyone cares, the undocumented immigrant population in California has been declining significantly over the last 12 years. https://www.ppic.org/publication/undocumented-immigrants-in-california/ I mean we all know Dodger is pulling info out of his racist, felonious asshole, but here's the proof.
  4. Alaska doesnt have high euthanasia rates lol cmon Boyle stop. Was Bird Box a violent movie? Obviously.
  5. You should take umbrage with the utter garbage Dodger has spewed in this thread. CNut's comments are relatively tame in comparison.
  6. I used to have issues with insomnia baaaack in the day and I remember watching this show. Crazy that it's still on.
  7. After Dodger moved out of Cali to Arizona to escape the Dems, we could soon have two Arizona Democratic senators. Stop it, universe. I can only get so erect.
  8. When David Duke wholeheartedly agrees with you, it might be time to rethink your position.
  9. Thanks for this. Very interesting. I follow TMobile's CTO on Twitter as I am a customer and he has been harping on the AT&T false 5G for a while now.
  10. Grocery shopping is my absolute fave. Not paying someone to take away this life pleasure away from me.
  11. Joe


    I take 3mg sometimes. Good for reflux too!
  12. I guess this is an acceptable answer, but meh. Just buy fresh every week!
  13. Haha our little commie is a stoolie. Not a good look bro.
  14. Also, who the fuck freezes pork chops? They are pretty cheap to begin with.
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