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Everything posted by Ricofoley

  1. Is that real? I haven't seen that anywhere else, and the really simplistic black and white captions kinda look like they've been pasted over other captions. Plus, WTF is going on with the audio? Alright, never mind, I looked it up. It seems real. Weird that I didn't hear much about this, because that looks significantly bigger than any of of the other protests with like a couple dozen people in SUVs that got a ton of coverage
  2. Yeah, I mean, I know they're usually reliable in getting scoops, just kind of unethical in how they break them, i.e. reporting Kobe's death before his family knew. Getting a scoop from inside the most walled-off country on earth seems like a different beast, though.
  3. TMZ is reporting that he's dead now. So uh... we trusting TMZ's sources on this? Does a celeb gossip rag have somebody posted in Pyongyang?
  4. Although, at least according to a story that Triple H tells, after they did a storyline where Vince's limo was blown up, Trump called the company to ask if Vince was okay.
  5. New Zealand and South Korea continue to make the case that it's possible to contain this thing if you know what you're doing. 5 and 6 new cases respectively today. Must be nice.
  6. Maybe. Maybe charter schools just completely take over everything, like after Katrina in NOLA except on a nation-wide scale.
  7. You say this now, but they've sprung into renewed action today! Oh.... well, nevertheless...
  8. We've entered the "directly getting bailed out by more competent countries" phase of this
  9. Demanding that the ice cream shop be opened, despite the fact that it appears to actually be open already
  10. Enough people who seem to know what they're talking about seem positive enough about the possibilities of large-scale testing and contact tracking--to identify local outbreaks before they can get big--that I'm trying to stay hopeful that within a few months there's at least a chance that we could adapt to something close to normalcy. Here in the US, the government would still have to get its shit together and actually develop a plan for that. But I'm definitely trying to keep myself in the mindset that we very well might stay in something like a semi-lockdown, or on-again-off-again lockdowns until people start getting vaccinated.
  11. They're starting to do antibody tests in some places (so, seeing if you have had and recovered from the virus), and at least based on one study in Germany, it looks like the true Infection Fatality Rate is something like 0.3%. So that would include anybody who had it, including people who never had symptoms. I dunno if I can find the link, but I saw it this morning. I think the Case Fatality Rate (so, the fatality rate of people testing positive for an active case with symptoms) is still believed to be somewhere between 1 and 2%. The reason why the US and UK %s are higher is because they're both way behind where they need to be in testing and they're missing huge swaths of cases.
  12. There was a significant drop in restaurant traffic before any of the lockdown orders went into effect. There absolutely will not be huge crowds at restaurants again just because they're reopened for business. Although I could definitely see a certain subset of people making a big show of going out as a "own the libs" sort of thing. The pandemic equivalent of rolling coal.
  13. Remember that "every Wal Mart and Target will become a drive-through testing site" press confrence?
  14. Well, and also the board at Facebook is filled with goblins tied to the GOP, which is what leads to stuff like Brietbart getting put on their list of trusted news sources.
  15. I'm prepared to get extremely into Korean baseball if they're the first sports league in the world that starts playing games again
  16. Yeah we all know about taking a precautionary trip to the doctor when your lungs stop working
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