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Everything posted by ThreePi

  1. Calling it "fine print" is quite a stretch. There's three sentences of text and it is literally the sentence right about the part where to pick you dollar amount.
  2. Has KSA made a statement yet denying any of this? I seem to recall Russia being quick to deny some of those poisonings. I'm just trying to figure out what insane excuse they would have for how this guy died.
  3. I find this somewhat ironic when Turkey was trying to work with Mike Flynn to abduct that Gulen guy. to them all I suppose.
  4. I think this idea of measuring "energy" or "enthusiasm" is stupid. There's no real way to measure it and it'll ebb and flow wildly with every news story or political event.
  5. Looks cool. I'd be worried it would push back into proper multiplayer Gwent, which would be a scary thing. That was kind of a dark time for gaming for me.
  6. But still, people can't be compelled to give testimony or answer any questions without a Grand Jury subpoena so if the person doesn't want to volunteer information they can tell FBI agents to pound sand.
  7. I dunno, I imagine most of the people the FBI would want to talk to are pretty affluent, if they want to disappear for a week I'd imagine it'd be easy for them.
  8. I've definitely had bulbs that were plugged into ceiling fans and even though they were all new bulbs one socket would always kill the bulbs way early.
  9. I bought this game and never really played it much on account of the controller requirements, and yet somehow I ended up with a second copy of it as well.
  10. The man is a colossal idiot. Why would you even say that? Like "off the record" is some magical phrase to just absolve oneself of responsibility. Like if OJ were to give an interview and lean over and say "Off the record, but I totally killed her."
  11. So, what, they're admitting that Trump and Tucker have offensive racial views, just that other people have ever more offensive views?
  12. Not really a top 10 when you have multiple people sharing spots. But I guess it sounds better than top 16 or whaterver. Still, trying to make a name for yourself by calling out people trying to make a name for themselves seems like petty nonsense.
  13. 1. Chicago does not have the most strict gun laws in the country. 2. The majority of guns that are used in crimes in Chicago come from other states. Indiana is an hour drive from the south side of Chicago and has some of the weakest gun laws in the nation. http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/columnists/glanton/ct-met-gun-control-chicago-dahleen-glanton-20171003-story.html
  14. I'm actually really confused as to how insurance companies and banks would use prison labor in the first place.
  15. Most presidents have their name on a library, Trump will get the Trump Presidential Corrections Facility.
  16. I sometimes wonder if its actually Trump posting those Tweets or if they just went ahead and made a Trump-bot to do it for him.
  17. Whoever gets that fine will have it paid off by GoFundMe or some other major doner in a week. But I will agree that it'll likely change nothing other than a few Republicans being "deeply concerned."
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