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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. They are probably Chinese and almost certainly from humans. If they were alien origin, it would almost certainly be robotic, potentially stemming from probes that have been traveling for hundreds of millions of years that are self replicating. The civilization that built them would potentially have died off. If we assume FTL travel which seems even more unlikely, I don't know how to speculate at that point.
  2. I haven’t followed it as closely as some, but I do recall hearing something similar to that many months ago. Russia is more resilient than some thought and has willing partners to trade and help.
  3. The amount of hardship from such a war resulting from the disruption of trade throughout the pacific would be far more disruptive than anything our generation has experienced. The world would go into a depression. I don’t think everyone has wrapped their heads around this. The fact that so much silicon is made in Taiwan will effectively push our tech back and stunt manufacturing. Maybe we should should just stop. Let’s defy the natural tendency of rivals going at it and just walk away but draw a like somewhere else. Anyway, hopefully this guy is wrong. I hope China let’s it go.
  4. Whole wheat pizza crust is underrated. It gives it a better flavor and is much healthier. But it’s hard to find! I love pizza
  5. Does anyone here believe that tanks for f16s could result in a widening of the conflict? I don’t think Russia will directly attack a NATO nation, but I know a couple of people that think we are crossing a line that will result in a wider conflict with Russia.
  6. I’m just going to wait for the full final season before I dive in. I enjoyed the last one. I think they did well with the introduction of new characters.
  7. I'm feeding a 1440p 144hz monitor, so I'm just looking to kick up my fps a bit in certain titles. Sounds like you have a great cooler on the 4090, but the heat generated from the GPU is still entering you room. For some people this is a plus if they live in a cold location. For people like me that live in South Texas where temperatures on half the days in May last year were 100+, it's a negative.
  8. I will and I’ll let you know how it is! I think my comment about heat and efficiency was misunderstood. I just don’t need a giant chip for the games I play or the monitor I’m feeding. If I bought nvidia I would consider the 4070 most likely. But the truth is, nearly everything I play runs really well on my 5700xt. It has aged surprisingly well. My cpu upgrade benefitted me more than a gpu would in many instances since I play a lot of grand strategy and rts.
  9. I have an irrational brand loyalty to AMD for a variety of reasons. I have had nvidia before (long ago) and have no problem recommending them to others when there is a good reason to. But as for me, I want what I want. Plus as I already mentioned, navi 32 isn’t out. How can one evaluate a chip that isn’t out? Only by making assumptions based on the larger navi 31. I’m not in a rush and will see how it goes.
  10. Why not? I have gone with AMD for years and I’m satisfied.
  11. It was a good, addicting journey that I don't really want to watch again, but maybe some day! The ending was a disappointment to me, but I didn't hate it.
  12. Oh but it has to be AMD too, so no . Plus we don't know how efficient Navi 32 will be yet. Intel is also okay if they ever get their act together.
  13. 6800XT is going to draw more power and produce more heat than the 7800. The 7800, navi 32 chip, is going to be more similar in size to my 5700xt.
  14. I value power efficiency and heat more than the average gamer.
  15. I haven't played the game, but this was an extremely polished episode of television. The acting was great all around, the pacing seems right so far, and the world building started out nicely. It felt a little more authentic and warm than The Walking Dead, but still a chilling break down of society. We were ready for the next episode and neither of us have played the game. I already care about the characters enough to keep going and I'm curious about the world.
  16. I still plan to get an RX 7800 to couple with my new 5800x3d when it comes out later this year. I'll let you all know how it is!
  17. It doesn’t matter whether it’s the same type of thing or not; politically it looks really bad and it’s the top headline on google news.
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