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Everything posted by Moa

  1. I'm officially in the late game and, as someone with a soft spot in my heart for Californication, I'm enjoying where things are going with Silverhands. On a somewhat related note, I feel like the interactions between V, Silverhands, and Silverhands former friends make a lot more sense with a female V.
  2. My post was basically subtweeting people who complain that DONTNOD and similar games ultimately funnel players down the same path.
  3. No, I get what you're saying and I agree that from my experience Cyberpunk doesn't accomplish making your decisions in dialogue feel important, and they split the difference between tabula rasa protagonist and well-defined protagonist in a way that isn't very satisfying. I was speaking more broadly about people's expectations for narrative games and generally that the more control a player has over the narrative the less well-constructed that narrative will end up being.
  4. Complaints about lack of choice in games always bother me. It's absolutely impossible to write a good story with the amount of variability necessary to satisfy gamers' expectations. No game has ever done it or will ever do it. There's a reason choose your own adventure books are not a serious literary genre. The trick is not to make you decisions matter, it's to make it feel like your decision matter, and these are two very different goals.
  5. What's with this game and CONSTANTLY giving you the option to not drink. Every time my character is in a situation where there is alcohol the NPCs are always like, "we have sprite too if you're more into that," they all act like I'm in some sort of 12 step program and they don't want to be responsible for me falling off the wagon.
  6. Yeah, I love the look of motorcycles, but damn did they make the dashboards and interiors of the cars look good. I've said before that the best thing in the Witcher 3 was the way the trees swayed in the wind, I think the best thing in Cyberpunk is the car interiors.
  7. If the game has zero hooks in you then maybe it's just not the game for you. That said, if the gunplay is a major hangup for you, and if you think you would be more interested in the game if the gunplay felt better, then I would suggest you keep playing because it gets good pretty quickly. I haven't played Destiny 2, but I doubt the gunplay in Cyberpunk quite reaches the level of leading dedicated FPSs. What makes the gunplay in Cyberpunk feel great compared to other RPGs is a combination of the sound design of many of the guns, the impact of your shots, the dismemberment, the weapon variety, and most notably the way your character interacts with cover and the environment. The shooting in this game really puts other RPGs and even some FPSs (Looking at you Wolfenstein) to shame. I've been surprised at how enjoyable the combat is in this game given that I wasn't sold on it from pre-release footage and how bland the combat was in the Witcher series. I think everyone in this thread who has gotten past Act 1 is on pretty much the same page as me regarding the shooting.
  8. How far are you? I think most of act 1 isn't super compelling narratively, but once you get into the meat of the game with Keanu Reeves things get a lot more interesting. That said, while I've liked a lot of what's going on in the story, I haven't had a "bloody baron" moment yet. Also the gunplay is great relative to the genre.
  9. They do a good job directing you towards the side content by having characters introduced in the main plot peel of into their own thing. I really enjoyed the Panam quest chain, and they really created a palpable sense of urgency for her quests after her immediate involvement in the main story was over.
  10. To be clear I have about 30 hours in it, I'm playing on a GTX 1080/Ryzen 1700 system with ok-ish performance at 1440p, and I'm having a very good time with the game. I'm talking about the OG Prey 2 trailer from like a million years ago with the bounty hunter in a sci-fi setting. The general vibe of dirty sci-fi holds between the two. I'm playing a pistol/stealth build so am basically a future cowboy hunting people down with my silenced revolver. Most of the combat missions involve infiltrating a compound to reach some central objective, so there is plenty of future bounty hunter gunslinging to be had.
  11. I'm not so sure. The open world and it's non-named residents have always been set dressing in CDPR games, they provide scope to what are ultimately very directed games. I can imagine marginal improvements being made to the civilian and police AI but it was never going to be prioritized the same way it is for Rockstar. Personally I'm ok with that aspect of the game being shallow, random events even in R* games where a lot of effort goes into them quickly become busy work, although I wouldn't mind if the civilian AI was a little less Potemkin village.
  12. Dude, I was at a section where you stay in a motel room that has like 3 dildos coming out of the dresser. What the hell is the cleaning staff doing there?
  13. Cop/Civilian behavior is legitimately ps2 level in this game. I pretty much expected this given that CDPR has never put much effort into their non-authored content, but it's more glaring in this setting than it was in TW3. I somehow pissed some police off outside my apartment, so I ran back inside and went to sleep. When I woke up the police had chilled, but every civilian within a mile radius was cowering in a corner. Someone had even come into my apartment to cower.
  14. They have by far the most satisfying guns I've used in an RPG. The dismemberment does a lot to make the combat feel impactful.
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