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Court Jester
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Everything posted by Mr.Vic20

  1. Why? Just because he has a Pigney? Oh, yup, I'm seeing it now...
  2. There is something about the animation in this game that is both stiff and floaty at the same time, which while not desirable, is impressive!
  3. I had a similar thought as I probably had a much better experience than most because I had the levels, the money, and the teleportation ability to jump around, get he best gear for the class, an d level all that gear up pretty quickly.
  4. For my money, its just the most fun to play. Not the most durable, but is a range fighter so who cares. Can handle air based enemies easily, which greatly reduces the annoyance of getting double teamed by air and land enemies simultaneously. For close quarters combat, your archer has a kick attack and its actually pretty powerful and often stuns enemies or knocks them down, which is great for leapers and rushers. Everything I've just described are basic functions o the class, not special skills or an ultimate. Add a mage, sorcerer and a warrior and you'll be dropping drakes with no issues.
  5. Archer feels the best too me, even more so then the magical archer. All the kids laugh at me though and I look dumb in my robin hood hat.
  6. Fun tale: Last night my 3 pawns were all following me as they do, when I turned an noticed that they had red eyes! The PLAGUE! So I did what any good master would do, I picked each one up in turn and hurdled them off a near by cliff. The last one said, "Did I do something wrong Arisen?!" You were to beautiful for life my friend, I whispered into his trusting loyal ear and then lofted him to his water doom...
  7. Dragon's Dogma can and does alternate from amazing to infuriating on a regular basis. I can't think of a game that I both love and hate in such prefect symmetry!
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