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Professor of Porn
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Everything posted by Bacon

  1. Thanks. I'll be using it for porn. My current porn laptop is from 2007. It runs Vista and can't connect to modern wi-fi so I had to buy an adapter for it. That's not a joke.
  2. Will you give it to me for free?
  3. Also for advanced jobs, I stuck with Berserker and never moved on the last tier of jobs such as dark knight or breaker. Nah, in your job tree, at the bottom, you see a job you can unlock, all jobs have more jobs to unlock until the final tier. To get an advanced job to unlock, you must lock the ability in all of the jobs it is in. Like for Paladin, I believe you need to spec the paladin talent in both swordsman and white mage to unlock it.
  4. You want to stack affinity. On a controller, press whatever is your left face button and you can see your affinity bonuses. You don't even have to stack the affinity of the job you are playing. It's all about the bonus it provides. Generally, tho you want to stack what matches your job as it gives you the right stats.
  5. I recommend using your party members if it doesn't make the game too easy. It would have for me tho, 100%, and I feel that is a bit of a shame.
  6. Yeah, nothing like 16 or any other FF. Tho, I was surprised but how much FF stuff is in FF Origins. It really does a fantastic job at recreating the spirit of Final Fantasy while being a full on action game. It has a lot of ways to make the game harder or easier, tho, if you are a souls veteran, Hard will end up being quite easy once you become accustomed to the mechanics of the game. It is a really fun game that more people should try. It is pretty short for an RPG, but long as an action game. Just don't expect an EPIC story. I mean, I am a huge fan of the story on SoP: FFO but it's not some grand tale, just a fun one.
  7. When you're a handsome guy, it ain't creepy It sold very poorly. Pretty sure it hasn't even sold 500k. And if the 7 remake was made with this level of ridiculousness, I'd be interested. Yeah, it would be cool if Cornelia was a hub city. In case you missed it, you can talk to NPCs in Cornelia at the very least. Tho it's not all that interesting. Just walking or being teleported. That's it. It is nuts how it never seemed like a real game until you play it. It is a very solid game with many playstyles and a long grindy endgame if that's your sort of thing. It is a massive shame how many people are judging the game by its cover so to speak. Not even excluding myself, but the "cover" I had always found interesting and it was Nomura's involvement that made me stay away. Updates and DLC also made the game better. There was no transmog system at launch so you generally had mismatched armor. People also just saw it as another Team Ninja souls-like so it was written off by some FF traditionalists and people who have played Nioh 1.
  8. I was sour on it to the point I never beat me3 until the end of last year/start of this year. Now, I appreciate it a lot. I knew about the endings and started all the way from mass effect 1 knowing I'd be working towards the destroy ending. I think it really only falters in the last few minutes but when you are able to go into it with a plan like mine it was easy to overlook what made the ending so bad. For me, it is the greatest video game trilogy to have ever been made. While all of your decisions don't matter for the ending, all of the choices you have made in me1 and 2 matter in me3's campaign. People expected your choices to define the ending, BioWare was the cause of that, but they didn't. They just impacted everything else and I'm OK with that all of these years later. It does suck that it couldn't have been like that at the start. DLC often ends up having to fix something and it makes the base game a better product. Because I waited to beat it, I got the best experience I could have. It is a massive shame ME3 didn't release as it was now with all the DLC. Because I think ME3 is a good game. I don't think I would have felt that way if I had beaten it when it came out. I did play ME3 at launch. Then people beat the game, I saw the 3 endings, and just outright quit and didn't touch the series for 10 years.
  9. Fry is pretty close too but still a real character I'd rather have fry over pokemon
  10. The rage comic style is not my thing, but Piplup is a character and it makes me not like I either, but I like the concept. It's not generic enough. Needs to be more like this for me to like it, but piplup does have more emotion which is funnier
  11. cuts off legs puts on blades WATCH this LEGLESS man WALK!
  12. I ain't postin' in no spoilers, but I will be happy with the ending if Destroy is made canon. If you pretend the star child doesn't exist, you basically just spent an entire series where you have one end goal and you achieve it. The star child and the other endings just shouldn't exist imo.
  13. I read a lot of it. I know I read a bit after where they banged for the first time. I recall many readers were surprised by the sex, many seemingly almost unhappy. And then I think because their romance was more or less over in terms of progression/solidified, it moved on to their friends with the main couple being the centerpiece, but I lost interest. I enjoyed what I read but I don't think I'll get much more out of the ending. I did skim thru the last few chapters and it was basically what I expected. Edit: lol, I guess I didn't read a lot of it as chapter 37 is around where I left off. I read more than that, but not much more.
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