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Professor of Porn
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Everything posted by Bacon

  1. Also, no fucking Cactuars or Tonberries. Even SoP had them. Like wtf. Someone said, if this game was 12 hours and you were just going from mission to mission it would have been great. I don't know if that's what I want but I think it would have been better.
  2. I doubt most people will have my reaction tbh. Plus, people will be hyped about the final battle so people won't wanna talk negatively about it should they feel like me. Even I wanted to be like OMG POGGERS about it lol. The same happened with me in GoWR where it was hype until the post-nut clarity kicked in and I started questioning things. Not saying that GoWR's ending was bad, but that it is easy to get caught up in the moment so some of the dumb shit didn't bother you until after the fact.
  3. Music is 10/10 tho and Soken has done his best work yet. And the graphics and artstyle are pretty good. I once said it looked generic, but I take that back after playing it. It's really the gameplay and story that let me down, but the combat did start getting fun again when I unlocked the last Eikon. By far my favorite. Titan would be my favorite if it wasn't for the last one.
  4. The ending was pretty good until it wasn't and the just makes it worse but also better. The final battle is pretty hype overall tho. Kind of a shame it doesn't end with a mega-dungeon like the rest of them. It's cutscenes and boss battles all the way down. The game reminds me way too much of the MMO and has taken many story beats right from FF14 including Endwalker. It is stunning how anime this game is. At times it's a very good thing, but most often it is not. It is surprising how mediocre the story turned out because I think, as a whole, FF14 is great, obviously, Shadowbringers is the stand-out part. I mean, I guess I could call the story competent, but not much more than that. It if wasn't for the great cutscenes I don't think many would view the story as something special. Like if this plot was put into a pixel FF, I feel it would be considered forgettable. Classic Japan ending too which is not a good thing. I was planning on doing a whole review about it, a lot more than just this, but I doubt I will. The game's not worth it, for me. I'll stick with my 7/10 score. Or maybe I should give it the classic 79/100. DLC could make the ending better for me, but pretty sure SE is gonna be sniffing their own farts and will keep it how it is. I know some people will like it, but I've been tired of these shitty Japanese ending for a long ass time.
  5. Don't save the side quests More than Words, Where There's a Will, and Priceless for last. I was originally going to say to save them for last due to the story beats but you get "rewarded" for them in a way that is meaning less if you save them for last. It lets you have a for once. Well not really for once, but it is very rare.
  6. Well, I will warn you that the 3D remake is a slow game. The PR has better music and more convenient features. I feel the 3D aspect more than makes up for that tho. It is a lot easier to be engaged with the plot when the characters are able to express more than words.
  7. For the longest time, FF3 3D remake was my favorite FF. It's still a very good version of FF3, the best IMO, but it wasn't until I replayed it that I realized that it ain't the masterpiece I had thought it was. The story, while enhanced for the remake, is still nearly as shallow as the NES counterpart. I do like that it makes all 4 WoLs their own characters with their own Identities. Not that there is a lot of characterization.
  8. I thought there'd be like 3 SQs and some hunts. Not 10 SQs that you have to do so you can unlock the locations for the hunts to appear. Thought the last few quest would just be loaded with the good boy points instead of having 80 million side quests. uuu guu
  9. Holy fucking shit. Look at all of these sidequests that popped literally RIGHT before the final mission. If you don't want to spoil the final mission name, don't open it. Not really any spoilers here other than that. AND that's only half as there are more on the world map!
  10. Shit is pretty fun. Except for the light one. I hate the Eikon of Light's spells other than the giga one which I have mastered.
  11. More like 3. But I wasn't counting missions/stages. Cuz of course there are cities in the game, but you can't go to them outside of cutscenes and stages. Fuck all these barren open zones, give me a fuckin city. It was another aspect I was looking forward to, but while HD towns aren't hard anymore, I guess cities still are.
  12. While there are towns. There no cities in this game. No, Midgar, no Alexandria, no Ishguard, not nothing. It is only towns and villages. That is upsetting. Also, Clive has never used magic in any cutscene. You have like 8 Eikons and you never see their power. It is just the sword or LB. It's not like you can miss any Eikon either. I don't get it. The sword hasn't been relevant since I got 3 Eikons. Clive is a summoner/channeler. I'd love to see it shown off in the CS. No excuse.
  13. It ain't a masterpiece, but fuck if I didn't find it fun. Based on fun alone I think everyone should give it a shot. It is a 10/10 based on fun for me.
  14. Wow, major letdown. I don't even get why. It was the Eikon fight I had been looking forward to the most as nothing was ever revealed. Now I know there was nothing.
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