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Professor of Porn
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Everything posted by Bacon

  1. It's decent if you like mint. The last 8th of the shake is kinda bad due to syrup settling at the bottom. I've never had one thoroughly mixed well enough to disperse that concentrated syrup.
  2. giga cold, fan on, ASMR on, total darkness, blanket just below the nose
  3. I've heard it is artificial berry flavored.
  4. Oh. I still really enjoyed the plot, like a lot, so that's why it's that high. Pretty much, every review comes down to how much I enjoy a piece of media. ELEX is a bit of an exception as I really enjoyed it but there was no way I was giving that game a high score. Then there is something like SoP that I had non stop fun with. DOOM eternal and Re4 are such games. A 7/10 means I enjoyed parts of it but was ultimately disappointed. I think if I were to replay smo and botw I'd actually rate them lower. Sometimes I give out 7/10s for games that I really wanted to like, but didn't. FF16 is not one of those games. I mean, I did want to like it more, but it isn't dog shit by any means. A 7/10 is good enough to beat but not good enough to replay.
  5. In which way? All 3 games I got bored of before beating which is pretty much where I'm at with ff16. RDR2 and BOTW both had lame combat. With SMO I was extremely disappointed in the way you collected moons. It was very reminiscent of collecting the seeds in BOTW. I did really enjoy the cappy mechanics but the game was boringly easy, and the harder stuff was post credits so I never did it. RDR2 had a fantastic and emotional story but that was about it. Well, it looked good too.
  6. So, as I have been playing, I kept getting this feeling of deja vu. Like, "Wow, I feel like I have experienced this exact plot before." Pretty sure I know why and it's for 2 reasons but I'll talk about them sometime after I beat the game. I'm getting close to the end, but I'm not there quite yet thanks to the plethora of side quests the game as tacked on. Unless something really amazing happens, this is going to be given the Classic Bacon Score of 7/10. That's pretty much what I give to all games that aren't bad, really weren't great. Other games I have given a 7/10 to include RDR2, SMO, BOTW, and more. I recall saying that RDR2 was the prettiest 7/10 game I have ever played. I'd say that FF16 is the most presentationally epic 7/10 game I have ever played. It has very high, but very short peaks and long, meandering low valleys. It's not bad, but I had expected better.
  7. I've made everything as it comes without needing to save mats. There is only one concerning thing and that is with Orichalcum. I need like 4-7, not sure, of them to craft the best NG sword and some belt and wrists. I have no idea if I'll have enough to make all three so I won't be crafting anything until later on. I currently don't have enough to craft any, and I have only gotten 1 and that was from getting your "renown" up.
  8. I think all control schemes suck, but I use type B as well, since the demo as it is the only option that puts dodge on O. I HATE the R1+R2 commands as I feel they are more awkward to press over square+triangle. I basically never use lunge or plunge because of that.
  9. If it wasn't for spoilers, I would have waited to play this. The whole reason I wanted a PS5 was so I wouldn't get spoiled in the year+ it will take to port this to PC. I have said this before and everyone seems to ignore it. I know a motion blur patch is coming in the future, but again, spoilers. Same with keybinds. It's not my fault SE launched a game without some of the most basic settings such as custom keybinds or the option to turn off motion blur. Kinda just sounds like yer bragging about being satisfied with the inferior. We get that it doesn't bother you, but you are sure to mention how it doesn't bother you should a person say it does bother them. And don't take that the wrong way. I'm sure playing on a 4k HDR display looks great, especially for cutscenes and the Eikon fights. It's not really inferior since you don't prioritize FPS and clarity in movement. You want the nice visuals and that's fine.
  10. No? It was my monitor. And I thought I had the correct settings as I said. Why would the RGB values that I set for my monitor change depending on the input? I have never owned a TV or monitor that that that. I DID check the PS5 settings when I first got it and it's part of the setup. Why are you offended that you are that type of person?
  11. "it doesn't bother me" isn't valid cuz it wouldn't bother you if it was missing I don't know anyone who goes "Wow, I sure wish this game had motion blur." Most people who play with motion blur on are the types of people who don't even think of changing the sensitivity in the settings if they feel it is too slow or too fast. At least from my experience anyway. They are the types of people who put the disc in and press play before looking at the settings.
  12. The motion blur is literal dog shit, especially if you don't play games with it on. It isn't even a PC thing either. Even Mass Effect 1 has the option to turn it off I believe, so it isn't some rare option. How they even thought it was OK is mind-boggling. Like, what exactly are they hiding by having it on? Like, wouldn't the game look and run better with it off? It actually impacts the visual fidelity of the game. It is NUTS that I can say that a game looks worse in motion than when standing still.
  13. Kinda fucked up how(big spoilers) This is the kind of stuff that comes off as poor writing. Stuff that I feel has been in pretty much every FF I have played to date and was hoping to not see in 16.
  14. One of my problems with the combat is how it feels more focused on DPS, while Damager per hit is far more exciting. Titan's spells are the only real heavy hitters so far. The Eikon I unlocked after Titan has the first 5-star damaging move but It is more of a DPS Eikon so I don't really like it. I did spec into it for that level 50 boss tho. Like, I wanna see big fuckin' numbers, not a bunch of 100-300s. Fuck the assault rifle approach, give me that damn shotgun. FF has been the series known for the 9999. That's what I want to see.
  15. Yeah, I should have mentioned that abilities can really fuck up trash mobs. Like, I have an earth AoE that lunches people 20 feet into the air, and then I blast them with a lightning AoE and send them flying away from me. If they don't die from that, they are 1 hit away. Big boys don't do shit until you break their poise or parry like xbob said. The gameplay is only "fine". The abilities are really fun tho. Love when I can bust a nut with all six spells on a staggered boss. I've done over 64k damage on a boss like that. Which seems impressive to me until I remember I had to stagger that boss 3-4 times in total before it died. But to be fair it was level 50 and I was level 39.
  16. Regular enemies react just fine. Every boss-type enemy can power through your attacks tho. I think most combat feels fine tho. Like, it isn't Skyrim, but it isn't dark souls either where using an UGS will stagger even the most armored of knights. That part of 16's combat is similar to KH. And there really is one combo, basically. You either mash R1, or you do R1>R2x8. And mashing R1 is useless so it's best to get the timing down for the R1>R2 combo and your combo basically becomes filler while you wait for an ability to cool down. It is crazy how worthless melee attacks feel even with LB. It takes like 3 full R1 combos to kill a basic mob. And it's funny cuz if you ever watch your NPCs fight, they basically do nothing until they do 1 attack that just instantly removes 50% of an enemy's HP. NPCs feel entirely non-existent on any boss with a stagger bar. They only "do work" on trash mobs.
  17. If I'm invited and it ain't a birthday party, you ain't gettin' shit from me. And if it's your bday, I'm unavailable, unless we are actual friends and not just an acquaintance who thinks we're friends.
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