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Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis [June 9, 2021] - Version 2 Coming June 7!


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  • Keyser_Soze changed the title to New Genesis Phantasy Star Online 2 [Global Release Date June 2021]
37 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:

Anyone that's interested in this game (that looks like only me judging from this thread) you can opt into the beta with the Xbox insider hub for windows 10. I don't know how much longer you have though.


I know very little about the Franchise but opted in.  Whether I actually play we will see.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Whatever server I was on seemed okay.  I actually am kinda liking it.  I tried the Ashes of Creation Alpha earlier then jumped to this.  


The combat is relatively entertaining.  Not sure if there are defensive skills or dodges, or if you just keep spamming attack.  I also don't know how deep the game gets.  Do you just keep leveling up and killing more enemies.  Is there a deeper story?  It's an MMO right? I really don't know anything about the series.

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42 minutes ago, JPDunks4 said:

Not sure if there are defensive skills or dodges, or if you just keep spamming attack.


I mean there is dodging, double tap the direction or you can bind a dodge. I think some classes have a dodge as a skill. I'm the gunner and the middle mouse button does like a matrix backflip. :p


There is a story but I'm not sure how they will implement it. If you played PSO regular all the story stuff was unlocked on a different menu.


Also, I would say this is MMO in name only not really practice. It's an MMO in the sense there are a bunch of people out in the world but it's kind of more like monster hunter where you just go out into an instance and do a quest (well it was previously, this game seems a bit more open than that)

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2 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


The beta is only on PC.


I took some screenshots but the game runs at a weird resolution, I have to figure it out.


What resolution is it running at? I used to love Phantasy Star back in the day. 

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Well I'm running it at 4k, I think. There's a weird way in the launcher where you have to choose windowed mode, choose the resolution and then choose full screen (If you choose full screen first then it defaults to 1920x1200 and you can't change it) but I took screenshots both before I did that and after that and the screen shot resolution is 2560x1440 :confused:

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I like some aspects of the game.  Combat is pretty fast and fluid.  Runs pretty well so far.  Looks pretty good for an MMO.


My main issues right now is it just feels like I'm not really progressing in any meaningful way.  I don't know enough of the systems and how everything works, and I'm not sure if I care enough to learn all of it.


Just creating your character is a huge process, and I don't understand the cosmetics and millions of options that came along with what I'm wearing.


I get the impession your cosmetic appearance has nothing to do with what armor you have equipped.  I found 3 slots to equip like modifiers for Armor, and that was it.  I dont like games where your equipped armor doesn't change the look of your character at all.  


I haven't found any new weapons either.  Not sure if its just how the beta is built, and maybe I have a decent weapon to start with.  I've hit Level 8 though and basically am using all the same gear and attacks as I was at Level 1.  I haven't felt any real sense of progression.


Most MMO's have a lot of learn, and this game, especially if its based on such an old game, feels like theres so much going on.  It's a bit intimidating.


Also, I noticed traveling to different areas of the map, that each area seems to have the same exact enemies.  Again, this might be because of the Beta and we are in a very very small area that just has the same enemy types, and maybe full game with the full world each region will be unique. But I went from a big mountain area to a swamp area, and all the enemies were identical.  That kind of sucks as it feels like exploring is kind of boring when you just keep seeing the same things over and over again.


I may need to read up more on the actual game. I think it's Free if I'm not mistaken when it actually drops, so I may just try it out more then.  Just not sure I'd devote much time to it, as I'm also excited for New World later this year, and have a big enough back log as it is.

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5 minutes ago, JPDunks4 said:

I may need to read up more on the actual game. I think it's Free if I'm not mistaken when it actually drops, so I may just try it out more then.  Just not sure I'd devote much time to it, as I'm also excited for New World later this year, and have a big enough back log as it is.


Yeah it will be free just like PSO2 is right now.  And yeah there are a ton of cosmetics in that, and you're correct they have no influence over the armor.


As for the rest I can't really say much. The most PSO I played was like, Blue Burst which didn't run too well for me and I think was a hassle to even get working. I was going to jump into PSO2 when it hit Xbox but then they announced this and I figured I would just wait for this one instead.  It's essentially a new game so everyone is just as clueless as you, at least that is the working theory.

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So I kind of figured some stuff out on my own. Game can be kind of obtuse at times. Like one of the early quests mention you have a skill point, but the only way to actually assign the skill point is to do it at a vendor that's around the starting area. Game is kind of archaic in that respect since like every other game that is made you can assign a skill point anywhere you are in the world. :p


There's weapon enhancements and augments you can use, but again, these are assigned at a vendor. I visited one early on and tried but was confused because success rate was only 10%, and it failed. So a lot of the NPCs around the city have pretty much quests that explain various game mechanics. One such NPC gives you a weapon augment quest and the NPC explains the more augments you use the higher the success will be, then gives you like 10 augments and the quest is to go to a vendor and use it. So I used ten and it was 100% (Math right? :silly: )

In any cases I finished out the daily quests and did some of those NPC quests and called it. I think I'll just save most of my effort for when the game actually comes out.


In any case here's a screenshot of my character that I promised @best3444 - My nice booby mech girl, or whatever they are called







Game certainly looks better in motion, but has this weird dithering effect (at the title screen anyway) and the AA implementation isn't all that great either, but the fur on these things looks pretty good!

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37 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:

So I kind of figured some stuff out on my own. Game can be kind of obtuse at times. Like one of the early quests mention you have a skill point, but the only way to actually assign the skill point is to do it at a vendor that's around the starting area. Game is kind of archaic in that respect since like every other game that is made you can assign a skill point anywhere you are in the world. :p


There's weapon enhancements and augments you can use, but again, these are assigned at a vendor. I visited one early on and tried but was confused because success rate was only 10%, and it failed. So a lot of the NPCs around the city have pretty much quests that explain various game mechanics. One such NPC gives you a weapon augment quest and the NPC explains the more augments you use the higher the success will be, then gives you like 10 augments and the quest is to go to a vendor and use it. So I used ten and it was 100% (Math right? :silly: )

In any cases I finished out the daily quests and did some of those NPC quests and called it. I think I'll just save most of my effort for when the game actually comes out.


In any case here's a screenshot of my character that I promised @best3444 - My nice booby mech girl, or whatever they are called


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Game certainly looks better in motion, but has this weird dithering effect (at the title screen anyway) and the AA implementation isn't all that great either, but the fur on these things looks pretty good!


Awesome character and the visuals look really cool! Thanks for sharing. I'm like you with character creation, always make a female in games these days. I hope you continue to figure out the game and enjoy the beta for what it's worth. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is my understanding that Phantasy Star Online 2 (old version) and Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis (updated version) are two free-to-play MMO's running concurrently right now as separate Phantasy Star games online? Why would anyone play the old one? And didn't the old one finally come to the US alongside the new one, never having been released outside Japan before?


Ballsy to release both at the same time outside of Japan when one is significantly older than the other.

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1 minute ago, Greatoneshere said:

Is my understanding that Phantasy Star Online 2 (old version) and Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis (updated version) are two free-to-play MMO's running concurrently right now as separate Phantasy Star games online? Why would anyone play the old one? And didn't the old one finally come to the US alongside the new one, never having been released outside Japan before?


Ballsy to release both at the same time outside of Japan when one is significantly older than the other.


No, your understanding is incorrect.


Phantasy Star Online 2 was released for Xbox and PC early in 2020 for the first time outside of Asia, although it was announced that it was coming a year prior at Microsoft's press conference at E3. You are correct it is free to play.


PSO 2 New Genesis is essentially PSO 3, but the naming convention is to feel like not alienating old players. This is a new game. It is coming out next month. Some things can cross over to the new game, but things like characters, xp and stuff like that do not. So you basically have to start new with this game. It is also free to play.

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48 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


No, your understanding is incorrect.


Phantasy Star Online 2 was released for Xbox and PC early in 2020 for the first time outside of Asia, although it was announced that it was coming a year prior at Microsoft's press conference at E3. You are correct it is free to play.


PSO 2 New Genesis is essentially PSO 3, but the naming convention is to feel like not alienating old players. This is a new game. It is coming out next month. Some things can cross over to the new game, but things like characters, xp and stuff like that do not. So you basically have to start new with this game. It is also free to play.


Ah okay, thank you, that helps straighten things out. Nice to get PSO2 OG, but with just like a year or two apart in release I feel like New Genesis will streamroll PSO2?

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