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The last month and a half has been really bad for me and my family I just started a Go Fund Me page and I'm not going to ask anyone here for a donation but would anyone here be able to share my page? I'm pretty embarrassed by this whole situation I'm normally on top of things but I really downplayed how bad things have been in the past 6 weeks during my campaign :|

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Thanks guys I really hate to ask this I know there are people out there more in need and certainly more deserving than us. I just need some help so I can start making a difference again I haven't even had the time to do my volunteer work lately because of all these difficulties :( Oh and burn me for saying there hasn't been any actual fires put out in there because today there was :lol: Fortunately the fire was dealt with quickly and was only about a hundred dollars in damages :epilepsy: This weekend I am starting to drive for Uber during bar hours so hopefully that will help out and I am looking for other work I can do when I am not at my full-time job (any suggestions?).

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Thanks a lot guys! I've sent out a few dozen emails but haven't had any luck :| However your help put food on the table and gas in my vehicle so I could start driving for Uber last weekend :D I sold all of my game systems and most of my video games to get some of my bills paid off and if the company I have my car loan through works with me I should be ok :twothumbsup: This month will still be a little tight but overtime starts on the 20th at my full-time job :dancing:

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