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  • 4 weeks later...
18 minutes ago, Biggie said:

Soooooooooo I gotta know @stepee  What are you thoughts on the Apple Vision Pro. And are or did you buy one yet?


Sorry missed that before, wasn’t snubbing you! I’ve posted my thoughts in more detail in the psvr2/quest thread but long story short no I didn’t preorder one and don’t plan to at the moment. If a use case comes up I’d love an excuse to buy one, but I simply can’t see enough utility for myself in its current form. More than normal with Apple, I really want to see what the revisions look like. Also I have a Quest 3 which I already want to spend a lot more time on than I get around to.

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  • 1 month later...
6 hours ago, Biggie said:

It’s gonna be amazing!!!


I watch digital foundry on my current cheapo ipad every day almost and even sub to their Patreon but don’t bother to download the high quality videos because what is the point on the current screen, I can’t waiiiiit

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35 minutes ago, stepee said:


I watch digital foundry on my current cheapo ipad every day almost and even sub to their Patreon but don’t bother to download the high quality videos because what is the point on the current screen, I can’t waiiiiit

Do you know when it’s supposed to release? 

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32 minutes ago, Biggie said:

Do you know when it’s supposed to release? 


Nobody knows for sure, just rumors, but the last rumor said they would announce via press release the m3 macbook airs and ipad oled early this month - they did so for the m3 macbooks on Monday so it could be any time now!

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After my desktop PC, my 11" M1 iPad Pro is my most used and loved computer, beating out my folding phone and laptop. I'd love to upgrade it to OLED, but I'll probably wait another generation unless they do something more with the platform. I desperately want to be able to use it as my primary photo editing device when I'm traveling, but file handling is still a real pain and Lightroom CC doesn't really sync well with Classic.

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On 3/8/2024 at 12:57 PM, Brian said:

My Apple Watch has decided I need emergency help every few minutes so I need to replace it. Not sure if I go regular or ultra


Go Ultra - the extra real estate is fantastic and also makes navigating on the watch itself a lot nicer.

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On 3/8/2024 at 3:57 PM, Brian said:

My Apple Watch has decided I need emergency help every few minutes so I need to replace it. Not sure if I go regular or ultra

Drops dead. 

 Brian’s wife: Well damn, I guess the watch was working. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I would probably be down for an OLED as well. I have a first gen ipad pro and it still works fine enough, there's nothing I use that it couldn't run but a hot new screen would be tempting. Plus I know someone who can get me an employee discount (which isn't much but good for Apple stuff)


The only thing is that Apple Care sucks now. It used to be they would replace anything no questions asked. I went in there like a month after I got my ipad because there was a scratch on the screen I hadn't noticed before. None of my other devices have a scratch like this. And this guy tried his hardest NOT to get me a replacement and said it was regular wear and tear. To this day that is still the only thing wrong with the screen. Fuck that guy!

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I guess I’ll use this thread so I got my macbook pro and vision all set up, if only that oled came out in April, this could have probably been avoided. 

I like how easy to set up and be all clean and ready to go Apple stuff is. The micro led display on the macbook is still very nice. 

Vision is pretty crazy, I’m assuming I sold it short. I didn’t read any reviews tbh. I didn’t realize you could multi task apps while watching 3D movies. Like I had my entire apt wall the movie Wish playing in 3D and then below it I had Arlo from Apple Arcade which I was playing with the pinch gesture and also on the side I had the app store up. I thought it was more limited at launch for multi tasking. It’s cool. The display is beautiful - it’s a trip.

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6 hours ago, stepee said:

I guess I’ll use this thread so I got my macbook pro and vision all set up, if only that oled came out in April, this could have probably been avoided. 

I like how easy to set up and be all clean and ready to go Apple stuff is. The micro led display on the macbook is still very nice. 

Vision is pretty crazy, I’m assuming I sold it short. I didn’t read any reviews tbh. I didn’t realize you could multi task apps while watching 3D movies. Like I had my entire apt wall the movie Wish playing in 3D and then below it I had Arlo from Apple Arcade which I was playing with the pinch gesture and also on the side I had the app store up. I thought it was more limited at launch for multi tasking. It’s cool. The display is beautiful - it’s a trip.

That sounds badass. How heavy does it feel wearing it? Is it comfortable? 

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5 hours ago, Biggie said:

That sounds badass. How heavy does it feel wearing it? Is it comfortable? 


I’ll be able to answer comfort better after using it for a bit but my initial impression is actually that the solo strap everybody complained about is a lot more comfortable than I thought it would be. I haven’t tried the strap that is supposed to be the comfy one yet. The actual inside is very comfortable. 

With the solo strap it feels about as heavy as a meta3 with the elite strap to me but with more room to breathe. It’s still not something you’d take out and walk around with all day of course, but if the other strap is even more comfy I imagine wearing it for hours around the home isn’t difficult.


One other quick thing I realized I actually like that I thought of as a negative before is how the battery is external. Besides keeping that weight out it just makes charging nicer. You can put the headset wherever you want and it doesn’t need to be near a charger, then you can easily charge the battery more discretely. I also like how you can just get an extra battery as well to easily swap and extend the life.


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The other thing I’ll add for first impressions is the obvious: Besides the display/magic trick itself the really stand out thing as someone who has used a bunch of ar/vr devices is the interface.


This is not surprising but always amazing to see with a new device just how good Apple is at intuitive interfaces. I don’t really use hand tracking on Meta at all. I don’t like how it feels, doesn’t seem quite accurate enough still, the controllers are a lot better there. It took like two seconds here to navigate around hands free like it was second nature. To the point that afterwards back in bed on my apple tv I kept trying to navigate the same way because it’s so smooth to do.


A lot of that is by building navigation around eye tracking from the jump but I mean Meta had the technology as an option for Meta3 and passed so thats on them. 




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Also this is the first headset I’ve worn that doesn’t kind of shake around your face if you move your head side to side quickly. It fits really snug to where if one wanted to, exercising with it on would work way better than any other headset I’ve tried.


Biggest negatives so far are still just it doesn’t have any freakin controllers so you can’t do real VR games on it and you can’t use it for pcvr. Which isn’t what this is for but damnit this would be insane if you could play like Alyx on it.


Edit: Apparently the Virtual Desktop person is indeed working on a port for Vision :O They say it will take awhile but damn that would be crazy. Idk how controllers will work but off the top of my head maybe the self tracking Quest Pro controllers could be the answer? Using Vibe controllers/base station doesn’t sound like a good solution though it would work.

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I played with it a few hours in bed last night, pretty much wearing it for about three hours straight and it’s definitely comfortable enough for multi hour use. I switched to the dual loop strap though I don’t think the strap would matter much laying in bed.


The device itself is cool as fuck. I just wish there was more content. They have this immersive dinosaur experience where a dinosaur pretty much walks into your room and it’s probably the most convincingly real fake thing I’ve seen. It’s really really fucking wild. I want a lot more of that. I hope content keeps pumping.


I still haven’t checked out a lot of things though like using it along with the macbook. What’s crazy is the passthrough is so good you can actually just watch your regular tv in the dark with it while playing a game floating in your room. Or even watch a 3D movie while playing the deck through the pass through. It’s a little weird looking but surprisingly workable. There is a moonlight port in the works I signed up for the testflight beta for and that will definitely expand its current use for me. The Apple Arcade stuff is a lot of fun too though.


But yeah the star right now is for watching movies especially 3D ones. There probably isn’t a better way to watch a movie by yourself. It’s probably still more fun watching in a theater/with friends etc of course but as far as the actual technological experience of watching a movie, I don’t think a theater can really match it. The clarity is just on another level and the color reproduction is perfect and the 3D effect is ridiculous. I played Avatar Way of Water which I believe is 3D and also HFR and it’s breath taking. Max Max Fury Road was also stunning. 


Even for regular movies though. Until we have 8k 100” micro led tvs that are under 200k it’s hard to see a tv beating this (and other upcoming headsets like it) for solo movie watching. 

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Good news is by the time the content is there they will probably have a model for regular consumers! Even if there was more content, 3.5k for the base model is ridiculous for a solo device and would only recommend it to any normal person if it’s for work. You can get a fully maxed out gaming desktop for the same price by the time you get to the 512gb model. If they can get it down to like half the price and include whatever latest pro chip then I think there’s going to be value there if the rest of the tech isn’t cut down.


Like say if it the model out now was 2k and had a m3 pro even the base one, and the content was more fleshed out, Id say it’s a good value then.


Back to positives (everything besides the price) I think a big key with the eye tracking/pinching primary navigation is this actually works navigating in bed with the lights low/off. Meta is frustrating to use like that especially if you aren’t just removing all tracking to do so. But I was moving all around in the dark last night and had very little issue. Playing hand motion games and everything.


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omg I got moonlight set up - it is obscenely cool. 4k/120/hdr stream on a movie theater size screen (essentially my entire living room back wall) except it looks way sharper than a 4k image would look on an actual display this size - probably equivalent to 16k or some shit. It’s wild. Hell the sound is better than my actual set up too.

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Vision is such a weird product. It’s the coolest thing I couldn’t recommend anyone buy. I still feel we are like 5 years away from a version of this that is affordable/wearable to where people are willing to put it on for hours. 


But fuck it’s so damn cool. There is just not a better way to watch media. It makes me want micro oled for tv faster than it’s going to come.


It makes me rethink even needing a nice tv in the future. It brings back 3D which I never wanted to go away in the first place.


But $3,500 to watch movies by yourself with a headset on is a non starter..and the content is so bare bones beyond watching media. I do like the games that are on it so far more than I thought though. And moonlight working perfectly and giving me amazing image quality at movie theater size for pc gaming gives it extra life for me. But who all has a moonlight setup? And even that app I had to dig to find it because it’s beta so I had to use test pilot.


I think it shows how early on this is that the ability to resize windows isn’t on by default. You have to dig into the display settings to find it. I turned it on and it seems to work great and adds a lot of flexibility to how large your content is so I have no idea why it’s not default.


Theres no cool music stuff yet. Even Meta3 launched with an AR keyboard trainer.


Connection to the mac works flawlessly. You don’t do anything to set it up besides look at an icon and pinch your fingers and it’s there with perfect Iq and latency. I tried playing Lies of P native on the macbook and it was just as good as moonlight with its direct connection.


But I also realize I really didn’t need the macbook for the Vision experience at all. With a M2 chip it’s quit capable itself even with multitasking so you can sorta do the same stuff native. At least I haven’t discovered a particular use yet for myself. Though I am very happy with my macbook and switching to that for my music recording but that is totally separate from its use with Vision. I do see in the future perhaps sticking with macbook for my laptop and maybe even going M5 max or whatever and not getting another windows gaming laptop in the future.


I am so so so glad 3D is coming back though and this gives me more designed for 3D content than I have had access to in a long time so I’m quite happy with it. But if I like saved up 3500 to buy this thing and saw what it had to offer I’d feel pretty bad.

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I just realized Balatro is the perfect apple vision game and I’m now so mad I can’t have that floating around while watching a movie. Apple needs to pay whatever the cost to make this happen yesterday. 

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A few more notes:


1) Apple isn’t off the hook I still hella want that oled ipad especially for my elliptical and that better be early May


2) Moonlight to play pc games on the macbook is a great way to do that though I might switch to the ipad when I get that cuz oled. But I’m getting a smaller ipad pro I think, so we will see. And that micro led 1600nit hdr display does look quite lovely. But either way it does make me further think do I need a windows laptop at all in the future? Also recording tracks in garage and and instant importing them to my phone RULES.


3) Holy shit can you multitask with vision running off its internal M2. I did not expect to be able to run 7 windows at once. But I did indeed layer my room with a web browser, email, txt window, 3d movie, stocks app, the photo app, and an AR version of the game battleship on my lap. I’m guessing it’s doing something clever to run this all at once and it’s not REALLY running them all and just showing the image and switching over processes or something but it is wildly cool.

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I put on the thicker light seal per the devices recommendation and it’s more comfy now. I was in vision pretty much all day messing around with it. Moonlight on it adds so much more value. Being able to play my pc while laying in bed on a display essentially better than my LG that takes up the entire room is so cool. 


Also got emulation running on it. I downloaded the Delta iphone app which works well though the screen size is more limited than a native app. Still very cool. But I also got igba for vision via test pilot beta from Riley+Shane’s patreon. This lets you scale however small or large you want it and it works fantastic.


The 3DS emulation is going to be fucking wild when someone gets a native app going. Also Dolphin has a stereoscopic option so really hoping for a native port that allows that. Super Mario Galaxy in 3d would be nuts on this thing.

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6 minutes ago, stepee said:

Being able to play my pc while laying in bed on a display essentially better than my LG that takes up the entire room is so cool.


This is nuts. Jesus.

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21 minutes ago, stepee said:

I put on the thicker light seal per the devices recommendation and it’s more comfy now. I was in vision pretty much all day messing around with it. Moonlight on it adds so much more value. Being able to play my pc while laying in bed on a display essentially better than my LG that takes up the entire room is so cool. 


Also got emulation running on it. I downloaded the Delta iphone app which works well though the screen size is more limited than a native app. Still very cool. But I also got igba for vision via test pilot beta from Riley+Shane’s patreon. This lets you scale however small or large you want it and it works fantastic.


The 3DS emulation is going to be fucking wild when someone gets a native app going. Also Dolphin has a stereoscopic option so really hoping for a native port that allows that. Super Mario Galaxy in 3d would be nuts on this thing.

Damn man that sounds amazing. 

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One thing they need to work on with the interface which for the most part is outstanding is there needs to be some way to solve how you aren’t always going to be looking literally directly at the thing you are trying to make contact with and interact with the entire time. Like, sometimes I’m clicking on something and after that I’m looking away but it seems to want me to stay looking for a second longer or something sometimes.


Also there is no mouse support, which is kind of wtf for something they are selling as a spacial computer. It did work when I mirrored my macbook to it, which is the main reason I wanted the bluetooth m/k I got but I was hoping I could use it on moonlight as well and like in Office apps.

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