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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. You telling me NYC and ny state aren't there same thing. Lol k bud sure
  2. You're getting too far into your hypothetical example which would require a specific reading of all impacted texts, and depending on the court reviewing the original meaning and/or intent of the most recent amendment. When it comes to the federal constitution, the most recent amendment always supercedes the older amendment if there is a logical inconsistency. Luckily your hypothetical example is logically consistent, though not equitable. Yes all people are entitled to equal protection under the law BUT the constitution is the law of the land; further, the constitution says nothing with regard to one person, one vote, or the weights of votes except for in the Senate where it explicitly states in article 1 section 3 that each senator is entitled to one vote. So now the constitution has specifically called out weighting of votes (unequally but based on gender)
  3. This is straight up bullshit. If something appears contradictory then an interpretation that does not make two seemingly contradictory clauses contradict, and the courts would go with that decision. If not, then the more recent amendment holds as law. See the 17th amendment and compare to the original text of the constitution with regard to selection of senators. It's not directly repealing the original text, but it is regarded as repealing the original text
  4. There's a reasonable interpretation of the constitution that changing each states 2 member representation in the Senate would require every state to sign off on it and not even a constitutional amendment could fix this
  5. Just need the Republicans in...checks notes...New York City....to get out of the way so that this can be fixed
  6. "I watch Fox, I am reasonable, therefore all Fox viewers must be reasonable" because they don't want to grapple with the fact that the people they ally with, the Republican base, are absolutely terrifying
  7. http://www.governor.virginia.gov//media/governorvirginiagov/shared-images/seal_blue-152.png Governor and First Lady Northam Test Positive for COVID-19 WWW.GOVERNOR.VIRGINIA.GOV On Wednesday evening, Governor Ralph Northam and First Lady Pamela Northam were notified that a member of the Governor’s official residence staff, who works closely within the couple’s... Hahahahahahaha
  8. BuT mUh NoRmS These dipshits are bringing unsharpened twigs to a gun fight
  9. This is understandably ignored background history in the article, but the irony of this all is that the American revolution kicked off a series of events in France that led to Napoleon being able to force some sort of organization on these German states. These same ideals that kicked off decades of continent wide war, leading ultimately to the crowing achievement of "national" democratic governance (the EU and it's member states, flawed as it is), and our inability to fully embrace these ideals lead us, if not now then eventually if action is not taken, into fascism and semi permanent minority rule authoritarianism
  10. Even more tellingly, I'd give money to someone with Michael Bennett politics if they weren't such a fucking coward about actually wielding political authority
  11. The Richmond City Jail’s COVID-19 Response? “Torture.” RVAMAG.COM People incarcerated at Richmond City Justice Center say a recent tear-gassing by law enforcement endangered their lives. On August 29th, […] I’m sorry what now
  12. I want to be wrong for once but a literal reading of conservative judicial opinions in the past two decades doesn’t give me hope
  13. Related to the first tweet, it’s entirely possible for a bunch of federalist society hacks to give the reasoning “the constitution gives authority to appoint electoral college votes specifically to the legislature of each state, they deferred it to the people/secretary of state, and can reclaim their authority whenever the legislature sees fit” you also can’t read the majority opinion in bush v gore or the minority opinion in Arizona legislature v Arizona independent redistricting commission and not come away with this impression
  14. Once the American republic is formally over and the Republican Party takes perpetual power it’s only a matter of time before Canada becomes a dominion of America
  15. Sad part is, on this issue Romney is the lone voice of anything resembling sanity on the right. The rest of them are a-o-k with trump doing whatever it takes to stay in office
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