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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. I can 100% guarantee Biden will say Trump "paid practically no federal income taxes" several times, but he will slip up once and say "Trump paid no federal income taxes" and get 6 Pinocchios pants on fire 24/7 coverage on CNN and MSNBC to say nothing of fox
  2. Very good time to remember some of Trump's worst polling was around the time of his *one* signature legislative achievement: his tax cut which primarily went towards the wealthy. People don't actually like the rich paying so little in taxes!
  3. Often it comes up that Catholic bishops or some priests I don't recall exactly, will threaten/actively try to deny Holy Communion to pro-choice elected officials.
  4. Find one today, in the year of our Lord 2020. Hint: you can't because they aren't Going after her cult Dems really aren't doing, despite it being fair game in my mind given the context that Jason posted above
  5. "That was racism over there in racist Kentucky! Eric who? No comment"
  6. Maybe I should have qualified my original post with "in the year of our Lord 2020" but it's quite clear that the message was received back then and the talking points on her from electeds has changed. But leave it to feinsten to fuck it up though!
  7. I don't give a single fuck about what Diane feinsten said, much less what she said 3 years ago.
  8. Also you better believe the gop would have 0 qualms going after a Muslim judge openly and explicitly, on TV, print, and radio, because of their faith. Republicans do not do anything in good faith!
  9. I know that, my grandfather was one, it was for illustrative purposes
  10. If someone were part of a secretive Freemason or some social / political / religious fraternity-like group it would be worth investigating and figuring out the extent of their stated oaths (not perceived oaths like you see in Catholic and Jewish directed hate) and how that conflicts/limits/explains their commitment to the judicial oath (in this instance) that they will end up taking. This is particularly important when there is not a shared cultural connection like you see with most all lawmakers and the appointees they evaluate. I am decidedly not anti religious. Religious institutions, like all institutions, are to be held as suspect though.
  11. Like I'm not going to go line by line defending Diane feinstens committee questioning (just lol) but looking out today I don't see anything from normal electeds but her views on roe and the ACA and other policy
  12. Questioning someone over a fringe group, which happens to be religious, over their lifelong oaths is fine. Other than that you have 0 idea how I feel about religion and qualification for political office
  13. Risk/reward over time for auditing a poor person vs a rich person is vastly in favor of auditing the poor. Enforcement of the wealthy is down at the IRS as the IRS budget has been steadily cut since roughly 2014
  14. "Trump failed as a businessman, he pays less in taxes than you do, and he's destroyed the economy by failing to act on the coronavirus, killing hundreds of thousands of your fellow Americans. End the madness on November 3, and vote Joe Biden" folks if this doesn't work on the people who are somehow undecided nothing will
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