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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. I'm more concerned with them refusing to do anything about the courts, leading to a loss of the house or Senate and then lol gg the real fun starts. Most of this stuff has largely already passed the house!
  2. holy shit trollpez got an even better take
  3. What's likely to happen at this point is that tens of thousands of ballots are thrown out due to "mismatching signatures" or some other administrative bullshittery, last minute polling place changes or other voter suppression crap and it might still not be enough. But these things and more are possible because our voting processes and electoral systems (like the electoral college) are old and broken
  4. I hope not, because they have the perfect "bipartisan" (yuck) excuse: it's too close to the election
  5. Why the Christian Right Shares Trump’s Affection for Putin NYMAG.COM The president-elect might admire him as an authoritarian tough guy, but many Evangelical leaders see him as an ideological ally.
  6. check out today's edition of "disingenuous republican bullshit"
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