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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. I know you don't believe this, but the fucking worst part is that there are Dems with actual power who actually believe this bullshit. Because they're in the club and you and I aren't.
  2. The co co bananas thing here is that a T&R commission is the compromise. I know it won't happen but that these people keep getting away with crimes means that this shit will keep happening
  3. Mcsally lost against the other AZ senator two years ago. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me
  4. Snl is just unfunny. Every time I've tried to give it a try it's cringy shit at best with Kate mckinnon as all your liberal faves and now it looks like we're going to be subjected to Jim Carrey which in itself should be reason to cancel the show
  5. These assholes forcing people back into work over the corpses of their friends, coworkers, family, and community members all so the line in New York goes up. Just makes me fucking sick.
  6. And I'll be fine yelling into the void about hunter getting a security clearance over the determination of career civil service folks if that ever happens but the only people, and I'm dead serious about this, who give a single fuck about hunter biden in this country is the trump campaign
  7. I mean, every AC is going to have condensation from hitting the dew point temperature on external parts and by the nature of cooling force water out of the air. That it is producing water would seem to me to be a good thing, just need the water to go somewhere imo. Do you have a tub you can have it drain to? Or something to have the water naturally flow into besides the internal reservoir?
  8. If there's a campaign manager that says out in the open anything other than "the polls you see are not true" they should be fired
  9. Indicator of one reason that us infrastructure is so goddamn expensive
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