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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. I forgot that because some few who are second class citizens by any definition are not subject to ethnic cleansing (not necessarily extermination, but certainly forced relocation and infrastructure destruction based upon nationality/ethnicity) then it can't happen. Yes yes I know they're better off than non Israeli Arabs but they're still second class citizens. Might as well be arguing that Black Americans are better off here in America than they would have been had their ancestors not been enslaved and shipped across the Atlantic; technically potentially true (can't tell how different history would have been) but minimizes the injustices and maltreatment at the hands of the state in which they are supposed citizens.
  2. Also mechanical HVAC filtration seems to be ignored when we should be requiring it to prepare for the next airborne pandemic
  3. Eventually one of these legislative items is coming to a head but I'm not holding my breath on some grand plan to play for attempted bipartisan* media cycles *Bipartisanship only goes one way after all
  4. To be fair there's only one side actually doing ethnic cleansing and it's not the one who the Ayatollah aligns with
  5. Can't wait to spin our wheels for 6 months on a doomed effort at courting Republicans only to spend a few more months internally negotiating with manchin and warner until it becomes "too close to the midterms to pass anything"
  6. No kidding, but openly biased (china or american intelligence) isn't something that should be relied upon greater than a grain of salt.
  7. if you don't like tall buildings might I suggest anywhere other than Manhattan?
  8. Believing US intelligence on pretty much anything is a surefire indicator of lower brain function
  9. Damn near every service industry joint I went to or drove by had help wanted signs up. It's a good thing
  10. Giving uncured/unvetted information to warmongers is never a good thing, and this crosses partisan lines
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