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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. The worst part is there is an alternative that has been used before: at large proportional representation until district maps are created.
  2. I’m not saying it’s good now I never said that. I have said it can, and given his inclinations probably will, get worse. He’s all about “free speech” as conservatives see it not as it exists as on a platform. because he is a conservative
  3. No one will leave the platform until they make a massively unpopular user experience decision you can mark my words on this
  4. Smoking weed doesn’t make you a moderate, and being for you own business doesn’t make you a liberal on climate. He’s actually very close politically to many younger conservatives!
  5. Nice equivocation without evidence for him being a “liberal” or “moderate”
  6. Musk makes $43 billion offer for Twitter to build 'arena for free speech' WWW.REUTERS.COM Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk took aim at Twitter Inc with a $43 billion cash takeover offer on Thursday, with the Tesla CEO saying the social media company needs to be taken private to grow and...
  7. There’s a lot of conservatives who complain about being silenced from twitter and he is on record that twitter is not allowing “free speech” by silencing them (often for doing racism or targeted harassment or similarly odious things) so it’s easy to see those policies being reduced or eliminated at the altar of free speech
  8. He is. Covid minimalism (in 2020!) transphobia, and mocking the idea of the wealthy (like, you know, him) having to pay more taxes makes you a conservative.
  9. So it’s actually very bad that another conservative has taken over another media/social media outlet. Twitter is far from perfect but it’s easy to see how it will get worse given the attention that the White South African has complaining about how twitter has been silencing conservatives and conservatives voices (read: complaining about not being able to do racism and transphobia)
  10. It’s interesting to also note that as poor as it is, it’s still much wealthier than neighboring areas making it a ripe target for illegal immigration
  11. It is very funny that le pen won a department that is 97% Muslim though (because of illegal immigration though)
  12. He’s doing this shit in the open and the times is letting him off the hook. And he will basically admit to this lie on twitter!
  13. Scheduling pto around work lmao other way around for me I’ll usually give enough notice but if something gets missed oh well. That’s the PMs problem for setting terrible timelines.
  14. Yeah the biggest thing is company culture, and specifically your direct manager. But at a big picture level unlimited time off is so that you use less of it and importantly you don’t get paid out for unused time if you quit or are let go. i do agree with ghost that only the boot lickers give a rats ass about how much, when, and what time you take off.
  15. Hey @sblfilmswhen was the last time you worked for someone other than yourself i think this might be key here
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