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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. He’s right on point one, but scotus will undo that in a fetal heartbeat
  2. This would make Yugoslavia look like a tennis match
  3. If you asked about diapers it would be a different story, however
  4. Scotus has also held that the westboro baptist church can protest the funerals of dead soldiers under the first amendment.
  5. I mean they are the ideological descendants of Jim Crow so it’s none too surprising!
  6. It’s also an interesting dynamic that the only period in the court’s history where there was sustained social change for the better had at the helm a literal former governor of California. It’s also no surprise that since then the conservatives of this country have tried and are succeeding at undoing that work from Miranda to roe to tinker etc. and that the court isn’t filled with democratic hacks but political Republican political operatives is telling as to who has realize the power of the court for the past half century
  7. Congrats you’rea unique and special little snowflake
  8. There’s no way in hell anyone can call themselves a liberal and say the name Reagan without spitting let alone call them one of the best presidents
  9. might be a helpful time to allow imports of european baby formula. I'm very lucky that my daughter has been able to breastfeed from my wife without the need for formula. This would be terrifying.
  10. A friend of mine recently got covid and their only symptom was GI issues. No cough or loss of taste/smell. Her husband got it And she also tested positive.
  11. agree with the second part (especially given the sentences given for people who got into the court and interrupted proceedings and directly attempted to influence decisions) but there’s a decent argument to be made when determining intent that they knew their protest would not influence the outcome, and would hinge on what exactly is and was said.
  12. good luck proving intent also: https://www.constituteproject.org/constitution/United_States_of_America_1992?lang=en
  13. “I wonder what happened to those people” the last of them became democrats in 2018
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