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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. It’s not the gender gap so much as it is suburban women (read: college educated and or white) and the total for illegal in most/all cases adding up to all of 35%. This is bad for republicans and it would be wise for dems to hammer it home, or for republicans move on to another story
  2. And the other side has spent the past few decades filling up local security services with their political operatives.
  3. Yeah I mean I didn’t dig into all of the issues here. But also griswold v CT is on the chopping block when roe falls so there’s safe noninvasive contraception that can become illegal as well. the fact is these people hate women and hate the idea of non-procreative sex so anything that stems from these ideas is going to be tried next. Several republicans have all but admitted it will happen!
  4. “Terminate your pregnancy and also your routine” I am so sorry I hate this
  5. Re: nys vs Ontario isn’t the point but I’d imagine that someone from western Michigan would have an easier time getting to Windsor than Buffalo it’s secondary a mens issue but men won’t die from a lack of access to safe abortions. It’s like asking “isn’t civil rights a white persons issue as well??” Cmon man
  6. There’s still going to be a ton of not poor women who suffer because not being in poverty doesn’t mean that you can magically afford a trip to California or Ontario or wherever, to say nothing of their social ability to go to these places for an impromptu “vacation”. It really does affect all but the actual *wealthy*. Like yes, the poor will suffer most. But do you know who this country fucking hates? The poor! It’s a womens issue not a poor woman’s issue!
  7. An Anti abortion terrorist bombed the Olympics in addition to abortion clinics and a gay bar too
  8. First result I could find on twitter. Probably not comprehensive but MI is for sure in this list
  9. This is satire but it is an obviously correct implication. And it’s also implicitly the game of chicken that the right is playing, pure power politics. anyway here’s something from the throwback machine
  10. Unless they’re talking about expanding the court the only difference this would have made at this point or going forward or even in some mystical past where roe is codified into law is the plaintiff would be different. It would be Dobbs v garland instead of dobbs v whole womens health. They’re doing this explicitly because they know they have a group of conservative bona fide psychopaths who want women to die and there’s literally no other check on their power. It’s a power play and not one based on law or reason or technicality. It’s Calvinball! It’s an ideological crusade! It’s one in the same!
  11. I mean racism and Christian nationalism is what many think is in their interest. They won’t use those words but that’s what it is
  12. Tax cuts for the upper middle class ski doo dealership owners, race baiting and christian nationalism for downwardly mobile working class whites. There’s a lot of overlap here too in rhetoric, temporarily embarrassed millionaires and whatnot. I can’t speak for what minority republicans are thinking but people don’t just vote for these fucks for no reason. Often tax cut related
  13. I mean everything they vote for is wholly rational and within their interests. There’s more dems in denial about what those policies are though
  14. The guy who leaked this is more than likely a right winger and they will make millions
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