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The def star

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Everything posted by The def star

  1. I'm more shocked Sony only sold about 100k. But I think they mentioned on the Bombcast that Japan isn't a focus for Sony anymore. It's a reason why they switched X to being accept on the controller. Switch has a foothold of the market over there.
  2. I'm not even into turn based games but when I saw the quick look and the trailers for this game I had to give it a try. So far I'm enjoying it a lot and the games humor really makes it feel different. Plan to get more playing time this Friday and during Thanksgiving weekend.
  3. Watch Dogs Legion Digital Standard Edition is on sale at Best Buy for $40. https://www.bestbuy.com/site/watch-dogs-legion-standard-edition-xbox-one-xbox-series-x-digital/6352961.p?ref=8575135&loc=d6075dca2a6a11ebaf2d3e8a4a86d54f0INT&acampID=d6075dca2a6a11ebaf2d3e8a4a86d54f0INT&skuId=6352961 I'm tempted to get it since that's $20 off a game that's not even a month old. Is this game worth it at this price? Was thinking of getting into Valhalla first but might jump into Watch Dogs instead.
  4. I was going to pick it up but now I think I will wait for a price drop. Watch Dogs Legion didn't come out that long ago and now I have seen it on sale for $30-40. Hoping same thing happens with Valhalla. I have Yakuza in the mean time to go through.
  5. Going OLED was a day and night difference when I upgraded from my K8000. There is so much blooming on the KS8000 compared to LG because of the local dimming being edge lit while the OLED gives you perfect blacks. The viewing angles make everything in the KS8000 washed out if your not sitting directly in front of it. The only thing I would say that KS8000 had was it was brighter but everything else the OLED is better. I don't think I could ever go back to a KS8000 after going OLED let alone all the other benefits you get such as 120hz gaming and VRR support on the CX.
  6. Yeah I'm waiting for next year models as well. The LG CX is probably as close as you can get to a must have of all current TV's but the fact that it doesn't do 12 bit at 4k 120hz is a bummer granted their panels are only 10 bit but you are paying a premium for that TV. I'll be waiting for their panels to become 12 bit. Well that or if there is a really good deal on a CX when new models come out Currently Playing the XSX on a Sony X900F so no 120hz or VRR gaming for me.
  7. It would be kind of unfair to decide since I think I played way more games during the 360/PS3 generation than the One/PS4 generation. A lot of that is due to me being younger and having more time to play games and also last generation there were way more games as a service such as Apex, Overwatch, PUBG and Siege for example so I spent more time playing the same games longer than in the 360 generation. I think during the 360 generation I earned over 100k in gamer points and last generation only about 30k. I'm picking the 360/PS4 generation as it had more games that I played but last generation also had plenty of games of excellent caliber.
  8. The Series X controller actually feels better in my hands than my Elite Series 2. The Elite Series 2 still feels premium and love all the features on it but the Series X controller just melts into my hands. I hope they make a Elite Series 3 with the same changes they did on the Series X.
  9. With you also getting a PS5 I don't know where you get all this time to play all these games I have to pick and choose my games and even then my backlog is still pilling up.
  10. Currently playing DiRT 5 and this game has some really good HDR. Playing in resolution mode since I can barely tell the difference between image mode. This game reminds me of Sega Rally. Good ol' arcade rally fun. Thinking about picking up Yakuza Like A Dragon instead of AssCreed this weekend. Game looks silly and a lot of fun.
  11. Mine was able to download all the games I queued up last night. I'm having a similar issue with Sea of Thieves but have only tried it once. Have you downloaded the patch for the game yet? I haven't with Sea of Thieves and I think that's why it stays on the black screen.
  12. After using the new controller I am really liking the D Pad. Way more so than on my Elite Series 2. Hopefully they come out with a swappable D Pad with the same design for it.
  13. Hhhhmmm that is a good question. Maybe Series X versions have all the same data information as the Series S plus high res textures? I have been trying to pick up a Series S and would love to test that out.
  14. I noticed if you have a game on your external HDD and update it to be Series X/S optimized you will have 2 copies of the game. One on the internal and one on the external. The internal is the optimized game and the external is the base Xbox game. When you play the game it launches the optimized version. This is interesting as I thought it would remove the base game from my external HDD but I guess it makes sense since if I decide to connect my external HDD to my Xbox One X the game is still there.
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