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Everything posted by SilentWorld

  1. Idk I can never remember all these different states lol. I’m just repeating what the good folks at CNN said.
  2. Biden projected to win Virginia. Sanders projected to win Vermont. CNN says this “has gotta be disappointing for Sanders.”
  3. I don't use Robinhood but I do use a discount brokerage. I don't do any option plays or anything like that so I'm not worried about missing one days worth of trading but what is concerning that I never thought of -- what if my account was just erased? There is insurance that theoretically should cover me but if the data is gone and I'm just like "Well, uhhh I had some stocks... but I can't remember the exact number...." that might cause a problem. I should put it all in a spreadsheet I guess just in case this happens.
  4. I don't really agree with your comparison between Bernie and the LPC. Medicare for all would give the USA a healthcare scheme with significantly broader coverage than what currently exists in Canada. Yes, the liberals have been musing about some sort of pharmacare program but what about things like dental coverage? Sanders would cover dental in M4A, the LPC has not (AFAIK) proposed any such thing. I have never heard any calls for a wealth tax from the LPC. Bernie Sanders wants to raise the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour and I've never heard the LPC propose anything like that (although admittedly with that example I'm not entirely sure if the feds have jurisdiction to mandate a nationwide minimum wage). Bernie has proposed canceling all student loan debt and making college tuition free. While tuition costs and student loan debt aren't as onerous in Canada as it is in the USA, most people graduating university in Canada will have some student loans and the LPC has not proposed making college free or canceling student loans. Chrystia Freeland and Bill Morneau would absolutely shit bricks if Trudeau started proposing policies similar to what Sanders is proposing, IMO.
  5. maybe the bernie bros make such a big deal because the FUTURE OF HUMANITY depends on electing him president
  6. but I mean with him leading in the polls as it is, a clear win in Iowa should pretty much make him unstoppable no?
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