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Everything posted by finaljedi

  1. I figured it was more about how he talked about the executives and their viewers, Fox doesn't have a problem peddling white nationalism. Would saying the unsaid in a text be the straw that broke the camel's back?
  2. I'm not sure I buy it, it's not terribly different than the stuff he said on his show. Was he dancing close to a line that he got a toe over?
  3. Why bother whining in interviews about people thinking the court has lost credibility when you do stuff like this?
  4. I think what bothers me is I'm hitting 40 in a couple months and the arguments haven't changed since I was a teenager. The shit conservatives complained about in the 90s and conservatives are complaining about now are the same, they just update the vocabulary. Whining about political correctness got swapped out for "anti-woke", diversity stuff got updated to diversity, equity, and inclusion and here they are, still whining, gay people had their time in the crosshairs and now it's time to do the same shit to trans people. It's just the same thing over and over.
  5. I've never seen a DEI department and I switch companies about every two years. DEI initiatives are usually run by HR and leadership. Also what's with the newfangled right wing grouchy thing with DEI? Companies have been doing diversity pushes since at least the 90s, a hell of a lot longer than I've been in corporate America. Are they just playing the hits from old conservative talking points that worked on boomers when they were middle aged?
  6. Cable news viewers are old, Fox gets them eyeballs because they appeal to crotchety old conservatives, the liberal channels don't do well because not many people under 50 are watching cable news. Tucker's reach is not getting bigger than it was on Fox News, sorry. Bill O'Reilly had millions of viewers and got showed the door, he's still doing his thing, no one cares. Glenn Beck had millions of viewers, got the boot, is still doing his thing, no one cares. Now it's Tucker's turn to be a reasonably successful podcaster or something and to not matter at all in any larger conversation.
  7. It's news right now, soon Fox will fill the time slot with someone saying the same thing Tucker did and people will start to forget him. Tucker was saying the right things with the right channel backing him in the right time slot. Apparently he averaged 670,000 in the 18-49 demo out of his audience of 5 million. Fox will find someone else to tell old people that it's okay to be bothered that the Joneses sold their house up the street to a Mexican family before they moved to Florida. Carlson will have a moderately successful podcast for his big fans and not make a ripple beyond that audience.
  8. Montana and Wyoming can get in on this too... I'm used to Ohio getting lumped in with the "midwest" that my categorization gets a little funky edit: When I say "get in on this" I mean not all exist as independent states, just adding some clarification.
  9. North Dakota shouldn't fucking exist, I wish we could merge some of those Northwest states. If your entire state has less population than Columbus, Ohio then you don't get to be a whole state.
  10. Debate what? They aren't actual contenders, they're peacocking to sell books or whatever their goal is this year. The actual Presidential debates matter more (I know i'll get disagreement here) in that they're about the only adversarial forum the candidates are subject to. One of the two people on stage will be the President after those debates are done. If you put the three Democrats on stage there is a 0% chance that the ones who aren't Joe Biden will be the candidate. If Biden keeled over this year, neither one of those people would be the Democratic candidate. The only thing that comes from a Democratic debate before the convention is the shame of the Kennedy family gets in a solid zinger that the Republicans run on cable news. To paraphrase the late great Logan Roy, they aren't serious people. The Republicans don't want to debate the Democrats because their policies are unpopular and their standard bearer is an imbecile. Hell their main big public push lately has been fighting woke which doesn't even hold up to the simple question of "what the fuck are you talking about?", they aren't wanting an adversarial forum.
  11. I don’t think either party does debates when you get a couple also ran nobodies running against the incumbent. It just gives the other side ammo in the general election.
  12. She had a fun little line in a scene where cousin Greg was telling her she isn't going to be on TV.
  13. I don't think this will be a problem in general. Most sports have tryouts and I'm guessing most women and transmen won't be making the cut on an NFL team.
  14. and now the conversation has pivoted from civil rights to a lesser issue to drive that wedge. Physical competition is less important than civil rights. There are plenty of genetic reasons why someone might be better than someone else when it comes to sports, but let's zero in on this one thing to distract from the fact that discrimination against trans people is no different than the other forms of discrimination we decided were not okay years ago
  15. The problem with the "trans people in sports" argument is it's used by every bigoted right winger to jam bigotry into serious conversation. Trans people are rare, trans people in sports are rarer still, trans people who can play sports at a competitive level are practically unicorns. Every conversation about trans civil rights pivots to a group who is very concerned about ethics in games journ... fairness in women's sports, it's a beachhead to get marginalization in the conversation and make it difficult to argue against. My stance is just if the cost of equality means a few women don't get medals then I still think we're getting it at a bargain.
  16. Guess I'll have to find a new place to go to every few years to get a new pillow. I admit, I always hated going in there. I didn't like the narrow aisle packed floor to ceiling shelves junk store vibe they had going on.
  17. I hope your mom takes it easy on recovery. My mom got the same thing done back in November and decided that she'd shovel snow a few weeks later which had the result of me driving her to the hospital on Christmas night causing her reconstruction procedure to be delayed to... two days ago.
  18. Yeah the blue check thing has just been strange. It was only valuable when it was attached to actual verified accounts, if it only means you paid $8 this month then it's not worth anything... Well I suppose it's worth $8 a month...
  19. Wasn't Buzzfeed news their legit award winning news division funded by the trash listicles of the other side? Kind of a bummer
  20. I simply don't shop at stores that lock up the small stuff. I stop in Walgreens to grab one thing quickly, if I have to find help to get the face soap off the shelf then I just take the extra time and go to Kroger
  21. I got a cold last week, I was sure it finally caught up to me, two tests says it did not.
  22. These things weird me out, they've built a couple near me and I just hate them. It's like this movie set video game scale tiny city. They're plopping another one down near me that is going to have second locations for restaurants that are found down in the sort of trendy part of Cincinnati. So if you want to eat like you're in the city but don't want to be around... some kinds of people, good news, you can just park your car at the edge of tiny town and get some overpriced street tacos. The one kind of near me even has a little extra sales tax bump for the businesses within it.
  23. I remember when I worked appeals at Anthem all State of Kentucky appeals had to be signed by the medical director for the Kentucky plans. His signature was saved on all the templates we had for claims from Kentucky, I don't think he reviewed very many... Every time one of these stories comes out I just kind of look back at the nearly 4 years I spent working on that side and figure "yeah, this checks out" One of the first things they told me when I started in appeals was "We don't care about legal threats, we get sued all the time, if someone threatens to go to the media, escalate that to the manager immediately"
  24. Not to be a pedant... but it's not going to be orange and black/blue, it's going to be white.
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