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Everything posted by TUFKAK

  1. This was a thing? Raise monuments to Sherman all over this nation. Fuck the confederacy, fuck their traitorous war dead.
  2. That’s fine in theory but how’s it paid for? What providers are gonna do it? It’s like saying my ER needs more nurses when nobody is applying and nobody is staying.
  3. Conservatives be like. you don’t want a kid you have to have one! you want a kid you don’t get to have one! Amen Gods I hate these fucks.
  4. Orthopedic limitations are the reason I stopped lifting near my 1rm, it’s not worth it to me anymore. I’m approaching 40 and am outperforming and look better than most guys in their 20s, I’ll take that as enough at this stage of my life.
  5. So I’ve decided to extend my bulk through Spain, mainly just a reason to eat all the tapas and drink all the drinks, but so far I’ve gone from 227 to 243 in three months because dbol is magic. This should be my last true bull ever though which is sad as I do prefer the way I look at this size but I really like the idea of not having a stroke at 48 more.
  6. Don’t have kids and this won’t be an issue.
  7. But I was assured by a poster on this board that the pro life movement isn’t about this! Fuck your religion, your god doesn’t exist, your beliefs are abhorrent and your morality is archaic barbarism.
  8. These the type of people to blame Biden for why they can’t afford groceries too. Cry harder about why you’re a loser ya losers, I’m sure trump will save you.
  9. Anything that makes the chuds get in their feels. Says the party of facts don’t care about feelings.
  10. I say I shred up again, wear a pride stringer and just lift on the machines at low weight to see if they kick me out. Go viral, say they kicked me out over my “identity” then get paid.
  11. Forced birthers love to tell us what’s happening isn’t a part of the plan they’ve literally been screaming in support of for decades.
  12. Incels be like if I can’t enjoy sex nobody can! Also the religious once again ruining things based upon what ancient goat herders said was true; who also needed a god to tell them not to fuck their goats.
  13. Rep. Tlaib calls on fellow Michigan Democrats to vote ‘uncommitted’ in primary | CNN Politics WWW.CNN.COM Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib, an outspoken critic of President Joe Biden’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war, is calling on residents to vote “uncommitted” in the Michigan... Sure.
  14. Burnsville, Minnesota shooting: 2 police officers and 1 firefighter killed, governor says | CNN WWW.CNN.COM Two police officers and a firefighter were fatally shot and another officer was injured after responding to a domestic incident early Sunday morning in Burnsville, Minnesota... Shit like this makes me want to leave public service.
  15. I’ve personally never understood how we’re intimidating but I just take my money elsewhere.
  16. It’s been reported he was a special forces officer. Lol no He was likely some POG logistics clerk attached to a unit.
  17. Very much so. Game room is fully decorated, garage is too. I have two gallery walls downstairs as I collect art too so they either get added to the gallery or other spaces in the house.
  18. Good let these broke idiots give away their money to someone who won’t do shit for them. please own the libs more guys! Still won’t make women want to touch you.
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