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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I spent the money on the arcade board. I'm a disagree with you on that, the game is a blast, especially with three players.
  2. It's just more of an annoyance to me. I'm sure you have your minor gripes, too
  3. It's cool. Keyser actually helped with recommending some good rechargeables at least. I might try a One controller just for a change and see how I like it. Plus, they're only about $40, so not too bad.
  4. Okay, that mysterion name sounds familiar. I mean, maybe text isn't always an effective communicator. Either way, I've never took any personal issue with you. I'm just sarcastic a lot. And blunt. But nothing personal against you. I promise you'd know for sure if I did. A few people here know that.
  5. I dunno what to tell you, but I've gotten some weird vibes from you in the past, too. I don't even remember you at GO, though, lol. My opinion is just on the actual value of the controller. Nothing to do with you, bro.
  6. Never heard of them. I've had a few different sets of rechargables in the past(looking at you, Wiimotes) and they all seemed to give out after a little while.
  7. Oh, another thing with the AA controllers. I dunno if the One controller is better, but the 360 wireless controller fucking drains batteries while not in use. We have to remember to take the batteries out when we're done or else we forget and don't use that controller for a little while and they're dead. Which means I have to keep up with more damn batteries. Having so many platforms to play games on, it's not uncommon for multiple systems to go unused for months. Like, I do a ton of PC gaming, but it's not uncommon for me to not play anything on PC for several months and be on my PS4 or Switch or 3DS for a while. Or switch any of those around.
  8. Mine is plugged into the wall behind the couch, so it's hidden and out of the way.
  9. I just hate stocking batteries and keeping up with them. It's why I went with a wired controller for my PC. With my PS4, I have it set up where there's a USB cable running through under my couch, so the cord is right there where I game and I can charge it if needed. We use those strips on the floor to hide the cables in the game room and it works well. For my Switch Pro controller, that thing has such a ridiculously long battery life, I hardly ever worry about charging it. I just plug it into the system every now and then and I'm good. Edit: this reply basically responds to @Keyser_Soze 's post, too.
  10. Yeah, wtf Microsoft at still using AAs. Get with the times and get an internal battery!
  11. I wouldn't mind trying one at least. I've contemplated getting a regular Xbox One controller, just to have something different and they're only about $40 on Amazon. I think you can connect them via USB to your PC? Because using AA batteries sounds kinda lame, especially after using the Switch Pro controller and Dualshock 4, which have internal batteries. I'd rather just charge it periodically than keep replacing batteries.
  12. I did see the first CGI movie and it wasn't bad. Corny, yes, but since it had the actual characters form the series, I enjoyed it more. I knew there was another, but I didn't know there were three. I just don't watch a ton of movies.
  13. Nah, cool if you like it. Like I said, we all blow money on one thing or another. I just don't see how it's worth 4.5x the price of a standard controller, but whatevs, man. You're awfully serious.
  14. I think the 5th one was the last one I saw? Or maybe it was 4. I'm not sure. Whichever it was, we were all like "yeah, done with these" after we saw it.
  15. As am I. But I was also a huge fan of Resident Evil and we know how those movies went.
  16. With the exception of the Castlevania series on Netflix, I remain incredibly skeptical of any video game adaptation.
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