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Everything posted by Anzo

  1. http://www.destinyreset.net EDIT: One slight change from this. ALL Iron Banner bounties now give powerful gear with a 580 soft cap. Iron Banner starts on Tuesday so that is a great way to catch up this week.
  2. We are now up to $916 with some post-event donations! Thanks again. It isn’t too late to hit $1000.
  3. Undertale remains one of my favorite games of the past 10 years. Despite its simple graphics and unassuming premise, it hides a surprisingly deep, emotional tale and well developed characters. So imagine my surprise when Toby Fox releases with little fanfare “survey_program.exe” on Oct 31st. It was completely free and only suggested that you play it if you have completed Undertale. This program turned out to be Chapter 1 of a new game called Deltarune. I don’t want to spoil too much about the game itself but suffice it to say there are a LOT of similarities to Undertale in terms of setting, characters and themes. Yet it is decidedly different as well. The full demo takes about 2 hours to complete and ends with a cliffhanger that leaves you eager for more. This is where the sad part comes. Toby Fox (the designer) is adamant that the rest of the game is “years away”. He answers that and other questions in a Q&A post about his thoughts on the game. Essentially, he released this demo with hopes to assemble a team to accelerate work on it. I hope he can do that because I loved what I played. Did anybody else get a chance to run through it last week?
  4. The Y1 raids are found in Nessus orbit. It is called the Leviathan. Im order to do the Last Wish Raid, you need to have access to the Dreaming City, which you unlocks after the Forsaken story.
  5. No, got up to the vault and we were all done. They are trying to finish it tonight but I am unable to join them. Stream it @bladimir2k!
  6. This was helping @Emblazon and @Triage get a coveted item in Destiny 2. We had already failed once and none of us wanted to run it again. D2 players will get this. Another Destiny one, we were raiding, I was very sleep deprived and was screwing up the call outs. "Whose to the right?" Should've been me! Poor @mo1518 was the victim here. This was perhaps my most clutch PvP moment in D2 history. My mystery game was SOTN that just released for PS4. Here is a candid moment between my wife and I. I was gone at a color run with my 8 year old while the older two kids played Overcooked. Caught this little interaction. I don't think my son knows what "beat meat" also means.
  7. Well the stream is done and all in all it was a really fun event. Thanks again to all from here who donated! @NeoJoe @mo1518 @bladimir2k @SFLUFAN @Hurdyb1 @eggydoo @ManUtdRedDevils Thanks to your efforts we raised $871 dollars! My goal was $1000 but for a first year this is better than I could have hoped. If you were on the fence before you can still donate if you feel so inclined. There are archives of the stream over on my Twitch channel. I'm not sure how long they stay there. PS4 breaks up the streams by game so they are broken down in that fashion. I will post a couple of clips here.
  8. This is just vanilla D2. They recently changed it so that when you buy Forsaken, it includes all of the Y1 expansions as well, which they should have done to begin with. At at any rate if you want to continue on past the base campaign it will just cost you $40 rather than the $60-70 it did a month ago.
  9. We knew about increased orange bars and high value targets. Bungie has said as much. That other info is new to me and disconcerting.
  10. Yeah I’ve timed it (often play before work where time left is important) and a 3 round Gambit match is around 20 minutes.
  11. Game Day is only a few days away! Here is the tentative schedule of what we will be playing: 12:01 AM -7:00 AM – Destiny 2 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM – Kids and I play Treadnaughts 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM – Kids and I play Overcooked 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM – Son plays Fortnite 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM – Kids playing Towerfall: Ascension (Me hopefully napping) 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM – Journey playthrough 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM – "Mystery Game" 7:00 PM – 12:00 AM – Destiny 2 See you all Saturday! https://www.twitch.tv/anzotv
  12. I loved intelligent Qube back in the day. Still not enough to get me to buy this however. MGS is a good inclusion.
  13. You all have been so great. Thanks to your donations we are up to $796. So close to $1000! I went and bought a PlayStation Camera today for the stream and have started doing some practice broadcasts with it.
  14. @Remarkableriots A few of us are working on that quest as well. Add me (I think you are PSN right) and join us in competitive. Anzo42
  15. Thanks to everyone who has donated thus far. After only two days we are already 1/3 of the way there! Im starting to cook up a tentative schedule for the stream as well as some silly/crazy milestone activities we can do on stream. Perhaps at the $500 and $1000 marks I’m thinking. Edit: $461! At $500 I will eat a pint of this during the stream. https://saltandstraw.com/flavor/creepy-crawly-critters/?fbclid=IwAR2hxT2Wssgz-7ahnmOgL31NIXOgonCMx7fi6PClzGhodiGZXnrRbGZg1D8
  16. They do not. Everybody has bounties now like in D1. Shack, Zavala, Drifter etc. Amanda Halliday has Festival of the Lost bounties once you complete the initial quest.
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