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Everything posted by thewhyteboar

  1. Budapest is an incredible city. It's too bad Hungary is run by fascist white supremacists now.
  2. I thought Justin Herbert was gonna be trash, like every other Oregon QB. That was a mistake. He is a stud. Needs a better coach though.
  3. Italians are awesome. They just wanna drink good coffee and have a pitcher of wine with lunch, while living in the most beautiful places imaginable. What more could you ask for?
  4. Italy. The correct answer is always Italy.
  5. You gotta be balls deep into the MAGA Cinematic Universe to catch all the references.
  6. Republicans: "Suck it libtard, ya snowflake! Are you triggered? Facts don't care about your feelings!" Also Republicans: Petitioning my state senator to get my Trump waifu body pillow classified as an emotional support animal so they can bring it in to Cheesecake Factory.
  7. Washington's defensive line is frightening, as is the atrocious turf at Fedex Field. God I hate Dan Snyder.
  8. A bunch of tiny-dicked man-babies threatened by a woman who is much, much smarter than them. All right-wing media jobs are just sinecures, it's welfare funded by billionaires for talentless hacks.
  9. Have Secret Service drag him out by his hair, put the event on PPV, and use the money to give everyone in America a stimulus check.
  10. If I'm making kimchi fried rice I'll use a can of tuna! I don't really know if it's a squash, it looks like this: Aehobak - Wikipedia EN.M.WIKIPEDIA.ORG
  11. I make Korean-style fried rice with it. Spam, onions, squash, and gochujang. It's delicious.
  12. She is incredible. Proud she is from my state. But I wish she represented me. I'm stuck with McMorris Rodgers.
  13. These people think that North Korea, a country with the wealth and technological capability of your local mall's Radio Shake circa 1993, are smuggling in ballots from boats landing in Maine. They aren't right.
  14. This is the insidious racism of the GOP. Any non-white person is an other, not from around here, not a real American. This is the racism that will still be in the party, long after Trump is in his KFC-diarrhea-ridden grave.
  15. If their uprising is going to be lead by Matt Patricia, we've got nothing to worry about. He has an even worse record than Braxton Bragg.
  16. The original was so good because of the chemistry between the crew. If they get a good cast, this could be alright.
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