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Everything posted by BloodyHell

  1. Most of that list isn’t bad, but no way I would ever put MW at the top. Not that it’s bad in any way, theres just others I think are far better. No way I would put MW above Titanfall 2. Or Doom 2016. Or Halflife anything, or Halo 3 (or two, which is my favourite Halo campaign and Arbiter deserved his own series).
  2. I gotta agree. I played other Saga games, and the demo for this was egregiously awful on every single level. thankfully I still have a bunch of good RPG’s to complete, like Star Ocean’s most recent remake, the Grandia HD collection, and hopefully Eiyuden Chronicles Hundred Heroes if it’s good (I love Suikoden 1,2, and 3 as well if I remember correctly, it’s been a very long time). i know it’s just a demo, but I don’t know how I could ever recommend this game to anyone. My short experience was just awful.
  3. I guess I just fundamentally disagree. I absolutely loved doing everything this game has given to me. Except the chicken side quest. So many great pieces of lore and easter eggs behind all of it. The protorelic stuff was awesome, fighting classic monsters from the games past throughout the different lands. The Turk stuff in Gongaga was an awesome treat. as far as QB, it being so good was reward enough in itself. Completing my card collection is enough.
  4. Oh yeah, I’ll never beat him. It’s one thing I haven’t even tried to complete as I clean up my save file.
  5. But you have all that representation in other games. This game plays up the sexiness and suddenly it’s sexist. I really do agree it’s manufactured outrage, but its coming from the people who are truly supposed to care about free expression. People need to speak with their dollars instead of attacking people over playing a game. It didn’t work with Hogwarts Legacy. and im not talking about here, im talking about attacks Ive seen on social media and resetera towards fans and devs of the game. and yes, the Bayonetta thing is a complete double standard.
  6. Ok, I beat this demo today. The Abbaddon fight is crazy, and this demo is very, very good. I definitely don’t see it as souls aside from having a very good parry system. I went from passive interest to definitely buying this game. The movement is fluid, feels a little like the action movement of Rebirth, yet greatly expanded and improved. This is the first game to really interest me since Rebirth. I dropped off DD2 after accidentally losing multiple hours of progress in a game I already don’t find that fun or interesting, so this was a nice change. Also, FFxVI dlc will tide me over hopefully.
  7. Over and over attacks pass straight through enemies. Not just once in a while. Really weird that you’re so hostile about me calling out problems with this game.
  8. It gave me a weird warning before I slept at the inn about certain saves being more reliable. Frankly it’s pretty dumb
  9. I couldn’t get into it. I loved Secret of Mana during the SNES era, but it was my only entry into the series before the Trials release. I actually close to platinum’d the Secret re-release, but never got more than a few hours into Trials.
  10. I mostly agree with all of that, except unfortunately there will never be enough tugs for all the major shipping traffic in some of these river and canal systems. These placed feed major ports, and there isn’t much money in running tugs, so the government would need to do it. I believe it was said the nearby port is America’s 18th largest. Instead they’ll just hope it doesn’t happen again. What I don’t understand is why redundancies weren’t installed or didn’t kick in if it was an electrical problem. Even large fishing vessels have redundancies for power less they be helpless at sea. I figured these massive vessels would have at least a single automatic redundant electrical system with generators.
  11. huh? I can get behind prison for Trump, but this isn’t a grift that’s illegal or uncommon. It’s what athletes have been doing for decades. Put your face on everything. unless you’re not talking about him selling bibles.
  12. The Dan Schneider stuff was right out in the open too. It’s crazy.
  13. I managed to completely quarantine myself from spoilers of any kind. I only saw the very first Rebirth trailer where they announced the date. otherwise I went in completely unspoiled, and finished that way. I also read A Tale of Two Pasts, which is a canon novel by Nojima about Aerith and Tifa’s background. Aerith’s doesn’t break a ton of new ground, mostly expands on what we know. Tifa’s tells a whole new story. We get retelling of her childhood first, then the story of what happened from Nibelheim to the point we meet her at 7th Heaven. It’s certainly not high brow quality fiction or anything, but it’s a ton of fun, and is about characters most of us love.
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