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Everything posted by BloodyHell

  1. Let's go Leo! Edit: just beat the first boss, and Wow, this game conteols so well. I love Streets of Rage, but this is just so much smoother. Combos are simple, difficulty is interesting. It just plays really, really well.
  2. I mean, they can do as they please. I don't watch WWE or care about Vince McMahon, but unless there is a sex crime in there, whats the problem? She accepted the money (and apparently isn't the one bringing this up), and wasn't it his money? He's the owner of the company, right? Unless the woman has a problem with him and comes forward with claims of abuse or manipulation, then thats something for him and his wife.
  3. As long as it was consensual, I don't really care about the private lives of the rich and famous. He got sex, she got paid, as long as both parties are happy, it's between him, her, and his wife. If it wasn't consensual, dowse him in gasoline and light him on fire.
  4. Literally like the week it premiered. I remember Stephen Amell being really mad about it and making a statement.
  5. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Remake Announcement Tomorrow Rumors - PlayStation LifeStyle WWW.PLAYSTATIONLIFESTYLE.NET The latest rumors are expecting a Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Remake to be announced during tomorrow's FFVII 25th anniversary stream. Not sure how reliable this is, but I remember enjoying Crisis Core, and ill definitely be looking forward to this if true.
  6. Woot! Today is the day! I need to buy 3 copies of this because my son and nephew Don't have xbox's, and it's not for sale on the psn store yet
  7. I mean, it was never releaing last year. That was just Sony putting dates on shit. The same night they showed that 2021 trailer, Schreier tweeted that sources told him it definitely wasn't coming in 2021.
  8. I mean, nobody should expect cutting edge animation from them. Their animations seem to have always been a generation behind everyone else. I don't get your graphics obsession, but to each their own. My problems with the showing was choppy animations, and weird looking flight. I had hoped that the ships would perform more like a BSG Raptor than a boat.
  9. I should try part 2 again, but I really couldn't get into when I tried. I didn't even make it out of the house you start in. I really didn't like the gameplay but I keep hearing the story is incredible. This was my problem with telltale as well.
  10. Well that's a lot of disappointment. At this pace, expect ES6 in 2028 at the earliest. And it's a weird choice, because I don't see anyone asking for FO5, but people have been begging for ES6 for years now. Also, no seamless flying saddens me. Im surprised MS hasn't done anything with VR. The xbox series x is enough like a PC that they could probably get quest 2 to work on it. Starfield would have been an excellent game for it, along with flight sim. I need more reasons to use my HOTAS Warthog sticks. I still need to download flight sim on pc and take out the Halo ship.
  11. Ya, we'll definitely get DLC, imo, but im not sure we'll get it this soon. I expect to see it at Game Awards, and maybe get it in feb/March. I actually think that would be the perfect time for it. Give everyone a year to build excitement.
  12. Sure, i think we are all burned out on the game now. I put 150 hours into it. But there are basically only a handful of single player games I would ever put that much time into to begin with. This, Witcher 3, Persona. Its a very limited list. Its definitely my favorite game in a long time, and I definitely don't agree that it isn't their best game, imo. There's just so much to do. Yes, there is some reuse of bosses, but not nearly as bad as other games (GoW is beloved, and 2/3 of the bosses in that game were trolls and Valkyries). The exploration in ER was second to none, imo. I'll say I like the atmosphere and world of Bloodborne quite a bit more, but overall, the exploration of the world of ER really pulled me in.
  13. The other democrat hero. And people can pretend its not happening, but cnn and msnbc both called them "Heroes of the Jan 6 hearings!". Democrats are terrible at villainizing the other side.
  14. Yeah, I don't even see where there will be any valid debate otherwise at this point. Elden Ring is a special, once in a generation kind of game that just keeps elevating itself from start to finish. I've already played some amazing games this year, but not one comes close. It's not just goty, its goat material.
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