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Everything posted by Spork3245

  1. I didn’t say he should be offered them. Just open up packages, eat a handful, drop the rest on the floor, move on.
  2. Yea, unfortunately when looking for statistics you either get first-year/launch units, OR overall, not specific models. PS2 has that 40%+ rate for launch year, but overall only has ~3%.
  3. When it’s a game I’m gonna play once and am not super hyped for, I can’t justify spending full MSRP, so I restarted my GF sub at 1 game at a time for $16/month. This way I can play AC: Valhalla, Demon Souls, and maybe Hyrule Warriors and/or Godfall between now and the end of the year for a grand total of $32, then probably cancel the sub again
  4. 360 was 55% for launch units. With the OG XBOX, there were 3 different brand DVD-Roms used during its life cycle, the one brand had issues reading certain games on dual-layered discs, but didn’t stop working to my knowledge.
  5. Yea, it wasn’t as widely known/discussed because of the lack of message board popularity back then. It wasn’t always necessarily a bricked console, but things like PS1 memory cards not working, second controller port having issues, intermittent dvd-rom issues, etc.
  6. My order still hasn’t shipped, there’s a note that google typically prepares orders for shipment “within an hour”: the estimated arrival is November 26th, so my conspiracy hat is telling me that google is purposely taking extra long to ship these out to stop people from immediately canceling their stadia trial/subscription
  7. I thought Sony stated it could only store (even PS4) games and that they had to be on the SSD? That may have been a miscommunication that they clarified. However, upon Googling, I came across this: PS5 Bricked Consoles and Other Issues Reported, Rest Mode and HDDs Seemingly Main Culprits WCCFTECH.COM The PS5 is out in the wild now, and while most people are enjoying the console, there are also players reporting a variety of glitches and issues. YMMV, but playing games off of an external HDD may not be the best idea atm
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