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Everything posted by Reputator

  1. Yeah it's truly competitive, and while obviously not the best for gaming, will be substantially better in things outside of gaming.
  2. It's an impressive feat, even with those compromises. It's a lot better than the Vita managed with games of its generation.
  3. Well, take from somebody that really likes toys and has a room full of them. They had a good selection of a number of different lines beyond just your Star Wars and LEGO stuff that most adults collect.
  4. On a brighter note, plans are already being sought to reboot the store franchise! http://www.ign.com/g00/articles/2018/06/26/former-ceo-reportedly-hoping-to-reboot-toys-r-us?i10c.encReferrer=aHR0cHM6Ly90LmNvLzRaN3F4NnVPcEk%3D&i10c.ua=1&i10c.dv=14 They'll need to both win the Toys R Us IP at the bankruptcy auction, as well as buy up the real estate holdings for a number of store locations.
  5. It's funny the hospitals and companies confronted in the article literally see no problem with it. If shit like this persists, life in the US will literally be unsustainable.
  6. I couldn't get through that. Seriously, fuck every person that tries to use diversity and empowerment of women as a criticism against TLJ.
  7. We're talking opinions anyway. It was one group of opinions against another. It wasn't exactly "objective evidence" or some shit. I just think it's funny you've created some arbitrary set of criteria for it to be OK to not like The Last Jedi. Otherwise you describe it as "a problem".
  8. Why is that a problem? That's us pointing out our problems with it. That's a problem because X reason and Y reason are OK but not Z? Like, what does it matter? If you liked the movie and others didn't, why should you care what their reasons are?
  9. Why are you excited about pictures of guillotines when you literally ARE the guillotine?
  10. You've found some examples of sequels that didn't make more than the first entry, just as I found some that did. Regardless of whether there's evidence to support both arguments, I do agree with your point about "event films". Now, what will be interesting is Episode 9. There are even more examples of third films that grossed more than the originals, but I would be very surprised if 9 even meets the earnings of Episode 8.
  11. Retro PC enthusiasts might, especially in Europe. Otherwise, I guess there just isn't much point to it.
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