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Everything posted by sexy_shapiro

  1. This movie is gonna be a blast. James Gunn was talking about in on Twitter over the weekend. Apparently he would only direct if DC gave him full creative control to do whatever with the character, including kill anyone. Nobody has franchise armor, not even Harley Quinn.
  2. I’m surprised by how many of you think it’s normal to lie down on the bed to tuck in your shirt.
  3. lol there is no way that Trump stays here if he loses. He’ll seek asylum in another country, probably Russia. He even said recently that leaving the country is his plan if he loses.
  4. I haven’t heard him in years but he sounds frail. His voice doesn’t have that same gravitas anymore.
  5. My mom is dropping hints that she believes in QAnon. It’s sad, really.
  6. Yeah, this should have been its own thread. Now this news is going to overpower discussion on any other Covid related news for at least a couple of weeks.
  7. Trump is one of the luckiest son of a bitches in history. I feel like he won’t die, but I’m not expecting an easy recovery for someone who has as little regard for health as he does.
  8. Yeah, don’t make it about his make this about his taxes. Make it about how he’s not the rich person he pretends to be. And even better if you can tie that into the real reason why he ran, to funnel money back into his business. “Trump didn’t run to Make America Great Again. He ran to Make Trump Rich Again. Because according to his tax returns, he ain’t as rich as he says he is.”
  9. Right wing media also used to kick John Kerry for his spray-on tan, but doesn’t seem to mind Trump’s.
  10. “Trump isn’t a billionaire, he only played one on television.” This needs to be the new Biden campaign soundbite. Say it at every rally. Hammer it home through commercials. The only reason people see Trump as successful is because they believe what they see on television. If there’s anything that could help peel off any of his voters, if it’s even still possible at this point, this would be it.
  11. As bad as that haircut is it’s also very iconic. That does seem like a lot of money to spend on hair but I do understand why it’s a priority for him. It’s baked into his brand by this point.
  12. They could have gone in harder on Disney + rather than just barely mentioning them at at the end as an afterthought.
  13. Before I left the church one of the pastors gave a sermon where he openly declared Catholicism to be a cult. This was sometimes around 2008-2009. Anti-Catholic sentiment is still a thing amongst Protestants, but many are willing to make certain *ahem* concessions when it comes to politics. I mean, look at their support of Trump!
  14. I was raised Souther Baptist and honestly did not know this. Once I started becoming aware of politics in the mid 90’s my childhood church had already made that switch to opposing abortion.
  15. My cousin is getting married in April and I don’t feel comfortable going to the wedding as things currently stand. It’s likely to cause some drama.
  16. I never understood why the HBO apps at the very least don’t have an option to stream whatever is playing on HBO at the moment. Getting to chose my own shit is fun, but I miss flipping through the channels late at night and finding some obscure movie that I hadn’t thought about in years.
  17. Are LGBT people allowed to be upset that she didn’t step down earlier? There will certainly be a rolling back of our rights with the court swinging even further to the right. I just wanna make sure I’m qualified enough to to be disgruntled before I start sharing my feelings.
  18. I wish the left was as serious about judges as the right is. This might be the event to get their priorities in order
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