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Everything posted by sexy_shapiro

  1. Seinfeld is obviously a better show than Friends, but Friends has been able to be fairly popular with Gen Z kids in a way that Seinfeld hasn’t. So I guess one could argue that Friends is a more timeless show because it adheres closer to sitcom norms and thus is able to exist easier outside of the decade it was popular in. I love Seinfeld, but it is definitely a product of its time. To better appreciate it one has to be aware of the context of other shows of its time and why it was so revolutionary for its time. It’s sort of like Citizen Kane in that regard - it’s truly only appreciated by those who know of what came before and how it changed what came after. Removed from its context it’s simply a good movie. I work with students of varying ages and nobody is really watching Seinfeld anymore, however The Office is actually REALLY popular with middle schoolers.
  2. I knew someone who was forced by his parents to go to a conversion camp. It’s terrible. I don’t like that it exists, but if it were to exists it needs to be completely mutual. Forcing minors into it is straight up abuse.
  3. I think we should just give SBL some space and let him come back when he’s ready. A lot of users have reached out to him and he’s ignored every message. At this point, it’s on him. You can’t help someone who is refusing to be helped. Even when I was suicidal last year I made sure to respond to every user who cared enough about me to reach out. You guys did your part in extending out a hand, now all you have to do it hope he extends his hand back. I get why he left, and I genuinely like him as a user, but the fact that he’s ignoring so many of us that are reaching out of concern doesn’t sit right with me.
  4. Ken Jennings is obviously the fan’s choice but realistically they’re going to pick someone with hosting experience.
  5. Someone in Twitter is suggesting LeVar Burton as the replacement and now I can’t get it out of my mind.
  6. He’s lived a long life worth celebrating. It will be just hard for those of us still living who only remember a time when he was on TV.
  7. Also, I know it’s common to mention the possibility of Biden dying in office, but did you guys see him run on stage last night? That is not the mobility of someone in the final few years of his life. I’m not saying it’s unlikely, but dude is in excellent shape for his age.
  8. Today is such a special day in so many ways. It’s the first day where everyone is finally feeling comfortable enough to celebrate a Biden victory. And for me it’s my 400th day without alcohol. I’m so happy with myself and the world right now that I feel like crying. This is a good day.
  9. Trump helping turn Georgia blue will only make it more likely that most of the GOP base will largely turn on him once they comes to terms that’s he’s a loser.
  10. Sorry, I suffer from complex-PTSD (CPTSD). Sometimes I get episodes like these. I’ve calmed down and am much better now. I don’t want anyone to mean anything by it.
  11. Guys, I am worried about the fall out could look like. Yes, Trump can only scream stolen, he likely can’t stop it now. But we always knew that this transition was going to be messy. And with it being so close, it only makes it worse.
  12. It’s okay. I honestly don’t recall if you posted something bad. I just just the collective amount of Florida jokes from the past 24 hours got to me. I recognize I’m sensitive about this because I don’t live in Florida by choice. I hate it here. I see a lot of Trump flags flying from the back of trucks. What these guys may do once they think the Dems are stealing the election is potentially scary. Florida sucks as a whole but there a lot of really good people who live here who know how terrible it is.
  13. So a storm that I have to prepare for now is hilarious to you fucking heartless creatures. Just because half the state didn’t vote the way I wanted my potential suffering is funny to you monsters. How are you better than Trump for finding potential human suffering to be funny.
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